On 22 June the RECI, Anti-Rumours Global, and the Barcelona City Council –within the framework of the Intercultural cities programme- will organise in Barcelona the first gathering of Spanish Anti-rumours cities 22 in Barcelona, with the aim of sharing and discussing the challenges, the achievements, the good and bad practices, and the future plans for the implementation of the Anti-rumours methodology.
Among the key issues, participants will also address the setting-up and management of anti-rumours networks, the sustainability of the methodology and the training format for anti-rumours agents
The meeting is open to a few non-Spanish ICC cities that have also implemented the anti-rumours methodology in the past.
The outputs of the gathering will further feed the work on the Anti-rumour Manual that the ICC programme will launch next October to provide member cities and other stakeholder a common framework and tools for the implementation of a Council of Europe officially recognised Anti-rumours strategy. The manual will also include a structure and basic content needed to guarantee a homogeneous and validated antirumours training programme, an evaluation/assessment guide, as well as a set of examples of best and innovative practices, chosen after the mapping of the anti-rumours projects run so far. The Manual will be completed with supporting reference materials such as reading lists and the contacts of a few reference experts that could provide information and support to cities.