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Webinar on “Self-Awareness as key for intercultural and interreligious understanding”

The Committee for the Interreligious and Interconvictional Dialogue is organising a webinar on “Self-Awareness as key for intercultural and interreligious understanding” on Thursday, 13 October from 17:00 to 18:30.

Without Self-Awareness - why we do what we do, why we say what we say, and why we believe what we believe - it is difficult to understand the perspective of others. Self- awareness promotes a deeper understanding of our own conditioning and helps us to empathise more deeply with ourselves and with others. This promotes the removal of ideological barriers, builds bridges by learning to accept and appreciate those who are different from us. Through self-awareness, we see the human being in the other and do not hold on to outward appearances. A strengthened self-confidence also inspires the self-confidence of others. Due to deepened self-awareness, a broader view opens up to accept things around us in a fuller and more inclusive manner and to face critical situations in a freer and more empathetic way. An enhanced self-awareness leads to human-cultural and spiritual connectedness and constructive interactions with others for the benefit of the broader community.

The webinar is in English and French, and you can join with this Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 849 5772 2135 - Passcode: 104074


Strasbourg 12 October 2022
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