Strengthening the capacities of criminal justice authorities in Albania to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate terrorist financing

16-17 May 2019 Durres, Albania

A two-day training on “Investigation, prosecution and adjudication of financing of terrorism” took place on 16 and 17 May 2019 in Durrës, Albania. The training targeted criminal justice authorities and aimed at developing specialization among practitioners on conducting investigations in...

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Introduction of the new e-platform for asset declarations to civil society, state institutions and international organisations in Albania

13, 15 and 17 May 2019 Tirana, Albania|

A series of roundtable discussions on “Introducing the new Electronic System for Asset Declaration and Publication” will take place in Tirana Albania on 13, 15 and 17 May 2019. The aim of the roundtables is to present and discuss the technical aspects of the electronic system with representatives...

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Albanian auditors are provided with training on the audit and verification of political party and election campaign finances

2-3 May 2019 VLORA, ALBANIA

Following the recently approved Decisions and Instruction by the Central Election Commission (CEC) regulating the procedure for audit and verification of political party and election campaign expenses, the audit templates of funds received and spent by political parties and candidates and on the...

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Albanian authorities make progress in updating its AML/CFT National Risk Assessment

24 April 2019 Tirana, Albania

Representatives of the public and private sector participated in the initial workshop to discuss the updating of the Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financing of terrorism National Risk Assessment (NRA) of Albania which took place on 24 April 2019 in Tirana, Albania. Building on the lessons learnt...

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Albanian Central Election Commission approves bylaws on audit and monitoring of political party finances

11 April 2019 Tirana, Albania

On 11 April 2019, the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Albania approved three bylaws as follows: 1) “The procedure for audit and verification of political party and election campaign expenses”; 2) “On the approval of audit templates of funds received and spent by political parties annually,...

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ECCD organises Strategic Analysis Course for financial analysts and law enforcement personnel from Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro

9-11 April 2019 Podgorica, Montenegro

Twenty-six (26) financial analysts and law enforcement officials from Albania, North Macedonia, and Montenegro attended a three-day course on Strategic Analysis in Podgorica, Montenegro. The Strategic Analysis Course was based on training materials and exercises developed by the Egmont Group of...

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Establishing an electronic system for asset declarations in Albania

8 April 2018 Tirana, Albania

The High Inspectorate for the Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflicts of Interest (HIDAACI) officially presented the establishment and functioning of the electronic system for the declaration and publication of private interests of the elected subjects and some public officials. The reform...

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Advice to the Albanian Central Election Commission on strengthening the oversight of political party and election campaign finances

28 March 2019 Tirana, Albania

Representatives of the Central Election Commission, Institute of Authorized Chartered Accountants, auditors and financial experts, Civil Society Organisations, NDI and Council of Europe expert discussed proposals for an improved oversight of political party finances at a Roundtable on “CEC...

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CoE/EU Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey - Closing conference

3 April 2019 Tirana, Albania

The Closing Conference of the CoE/EU Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey, will take place on 3 April 2019 in Tirana, Albania. Representatives of beneficiary institutions including policy makers, law enforcement authorities, and the justice sector officials from Albania, Montenegro...

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Advice to Albanian authorities on establishment of a Registry of Beneficial Ownership

12-13 March 2019 Tirana, Albania

Representatives Albanian institutions discussed beneficial ownership registries and due diligence with Council of Europe experts at a Roundtable on “Transparency of Beneficial Ownership in Albania” which took place in Tirana, Albania on 12 and 13 March 2019. The event was organized pursuant to a...

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Countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey to discuss assessing terrorist financing risks in non-profit organizations

26-27 February 2019 Tivat, Montenegro

A two-day workshop on assessing terrorist financing risks among non-profit organisations (NPOs) was organised this week in Tivat, Montenegro, for representatives from the Western Balkans jurisdictions and Turkey. Attended by practitioners and policy makers, the workshop on “Performing Risk...

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Roundtable consultation on the draft Law on International Restrictive Measures in the Republic of Albania

22 February 2019 Tirana, Albania

On 22 February 2019, members of the Working Group on drafting the Law on “ International Restrictive Measures in the Republic of Albania” representing various institutions in Albania met in Tirana to discuss with the Council of Europe expert compatibility of the draft Law with European and...

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Strengthen the criminal justice capacities on “Investigation, Prosecution and Adjudication of Money Laundering” in Albania

6-8 February 2019 Durrës, Albania

Representatives of the National School of Magistrates, Academy of Security, Regional Directorates of the Albanian State Police, General Prosecutor`s Office, Districts Prosecutions, Serious Crimes Prosecution, District Courts and the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering...

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Western Balkans and Turkey to discuss implementation of international restrictive measures

29-30 January 2019 Skopje,“the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”

Representatives from seven jurisdictions of the Western Balkans and Turkey met in Skopje on 29-30 January 2019 to discuss “Effective implementation of targeted Financial Sanctions”. The first day of the Regional Workshop focused on requirements set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)...

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Third training on “Asset tracing and identification for purposes of seizure and confiscation in a criminal case”

8-9 January 2019 Korçë, Albania

Some 50 representatives from district prosecutor’s offices, regional police directorates, offices of the General Directorate of Customs and Taxation, the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financial Supervision Authority and the Central Bank of Albania, benefited from...

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Steering Committee meeting of the Action against Economic Crime in Albania

12 December 2018 Tirana, Albania

The Fifth Steering Committee Meeting of the CoE/EU Horizontal Facility Action against Economic Crime in Albania brought together representatives from all main beneficiary institutions of the Action and representatives of the European Union Delegation to Albania and the Council of Europe to...

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Council of Europe continues its support to the Central Election Commission in Albania

12 December 2018 Tirana, Albania

In a meeting with Mr Klement Zguri, Chair of the Central Election Commission of Albania (CEC), representatives of the Council of Europe discussed the results of the cooperation and the support that the CoE provides to the CEC through the joint EU/CoE Horizontal Facility - Action against Economic...

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National Anticorruption Coordinator (NAC) presents the progress report on the implementation of the anti-corruption crosscutting strategy 2015-2020

10 December 2018 Tirana, Albania

The Minister of Justice/ National Anticorruption Coordinator (NAC) presented the annual monitoring report on the implementation of the Anticorruption Crosscutting Strategy 2015-2020 at an inter-ministerial conference with members of the Coordination Committee against corruption, international...

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Working Group Sessions on the development of an AR and AM Strategy


A two-day workshop on asset recovery and management to inform the development of the new Asset Recovery and Asset Management Strategy and the establishment of an Asset Recovery Agency and Asset Management Office in Albania, took place in Durres, Albania on 5-6 November 2018. The event aimed to...

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Strengthening the Standard Operating Procedures relating to financial investigations in Albania

18-19 July 2018 Korçë and Pogradec, Albania

The Action against Economic Crime in Albania organized a roundtable on “Standard Operating Procedures in relation to financial investigations” for representatives from the Regional Direcorates of the Albanian State Police, General Directorate of Taxation, General Directorate of Customs, General...

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— 20 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 20 of 64 results.


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