Back Working Group Sessions on the development of an AR and AM Strategy

Working Group Sessions on the development of an AR and AM Strategy

A two-day workshop on asset recovery and management to inform the development of the new Asset Recovery and Asset Management Strategy and the establishment of an Asset Recovery Agency and Asset Management Office in Albania, took place in Durres, Albania on 5-6 November 2018. The event aimed to help Albanian authorities to frame the draft strategy by identifying its objectives, set baseline indicators to measure effectiveness, and enhance the institutional framework needed to implement the strategy.

This event is a follow up to two previous workshops organised within the CoE/EU Horizontal Facility Project “Action against Economic Crime in Albania “ (AEC-AL), which seeks to enhance the strategic framework on asset recovery and enhance the asset management capacities in Albania.

Participants to the event included representatives from the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, General Prosecution Office, Prosecution Office on Economic Crime, Serious Crimes Prosecution Office, Albanian State Police, Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering, and the Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets.

The strengthening of inter-institutional cooperation and improving the effectiveness of asset recovery efforts are expected to step up the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing in Albania

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