Rational use of land: base of limiting factor of our development

Lausanne, Switzerland, 20-21 October 1988

Considering that land is, together with the other natural resources, air and water, an essential and limited element for several functions of human activities, and noting that this land is threatened, the eighth session of the Conference of the Ministers responsible for Regional Planning:

  • reaffirmed the importance of spatial planning as a guarantor for the use of land;
  • considered that a balanced and ecological use of land is necessary;
  • underlined the urgent need for quantitative and qualitative protection of land;
  • recognised as a priority the outline of a global policy for the judicious and measured use of land.

In an appendix, the conference proposed the principles of a new policy for the use of land in general, and in particular compared to the built-up areas, industry, work, tourism, infrastructure, agriculture and nature.


 Adopted Resolutions