The evolution of the decision-making process in regional spatial planning

The Hague, The Netherlands, 22-23 October 1985

At the invitation of the Netherlands Government, the European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning, which has met periodically since 1970, held its seventh session in The Hague (Netherlands) on 22 and 23 October 1985.

The general theme of the conference was: “The evolution of the decision-making process in spatial planning”. Three reports were presented:

  • Introductory report, by the Netherlands delegation;
  • Decentralisation, by the Swiss minister;
  • Transfrontier co-operation, by the French minister.

Furthermore, the three following documents were presented:

  • Progress report on the European regional planning strategy, by the Luxembourg minister;
  • Report on the implementation of the European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter, by the Spanish minister;
  • Intersession report 1983-85, by the chairman of the Committee of Senior Officials.


 Adopted Resolutions