Joint spatial planning and sustainable development strategy for Europe

Hanover, Germany, 7-8 September 2000

The conference was highlighted by the adoption of the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent, which provides a broader vision in combination with the concept of sustainable spatial development.

On this basis and within the framework of its future work programme, the ministers responsible for spatial planning adopted a 10-point work programme for stronger integration of European areas. The conference made recommendations to European institutes and national and regional authorities, on the use and application of the Guiding Principles; and also examined projects, activities and programmes of co-operation launched in Europe.

A second resolution emphasised the importance of:

  • continuing to propose, on the basis of the Guiding Principles, durable, concrete solutions and policies for better-balanced development and territorial cohesion of the European continent;
  • promoting transnational and inter-regional co-operation with the help of development projects benefiting from the support of the European Union and international financing institutions, and giving special attention to rural areas, mountain regions, river basins and Mediterranean regions.


 Adopted documents