March 2023 – February 2026


Support to modernisation of court management in Georgia

The project is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance III (2023-2027). An earlier phase of this programme (January 2020 - February 2023) was supported by the European Union.


 Context and objectives of the project

The project “Support to modernisation of court management in Georgia” will assist the improvement of the efficiency of the Georgian judicial system, notably in reducing backlogs and length of proceedings, facilitating the modernisation of court management including through implementation of new cyber justice tools, building the capacity of justice professionals, as well as increasing judges' referrals to mediation and improving data collection of mediation cases based on the CEPEJ Mediation Development Toolkit.

The project will support further application of European standards and will contribute to the implementation Georgian Strategy and Action Plan on Judiciary adopted in October 2022, and requirements stemming from Georgia’s candidacy for membership of the European Union.

Main activities

  • Individual court coaching projects to improve court performance and reduce backlog
  • Recommendations to introducing a tool to fighting backlogs
  • Recommendations on the optimisation of the workload of judges and court staff
  • Support to conducting court users’ satisfaction surveys in pilot courts
  • Capacity building activities to improve the collection, processing and analysis of data on the functioning of the judicial system and judicial statistics according to the CEPEJ methodology (in coordination with the regional project Justice Dashboard EaP)
  • Introducing specific training modules on the efficiency and quality of justice
  • Organising Managers' Forums on selected topics
  • Capacity building activities for judges on referral to mediation based on relevant CEPEJ  tools

Project beneficiaries and stakeholders

Court Users, High Council of Justice, Courts, High School of Justice, Independent Inspector of the High Council of Justice, judges, court staff, Mediators’ Association.


Council of Europe - Strasbourg

Jovana Matic
Project coordinator
+33 (0)3 90 21 63 68

Council of Europe office in Tbilissi (Georgia)

Ushangi Bakhtadze
Project manager

Gvantsa Gedenidze
Project assistant


Back Second visit of CEPEJ experts to pilot courts within the court coaching programme in Georgia

Second visit of CEPEJ experts to pilot courts within the court coaching programme in Georgia

The court coaching programme of European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) continues from 25 to 28 September 2023 with the 2nd visit to the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Rustavi Municipal Court, as well as with the 1st visit to two other pilot courts: the Zugdidi District Court and the Batumi Municipal Court.

On 25 and 26 September, the CEPEJ experts presented the results of the assessment of the challenges and their recommendations following their 1st visit to the representatives of the Supreme Court and the Rustavi Municipal Court. A preliminary agreement on the measures to be implemented as part of the programme, concerning judicial communication, satisfaction surveys, evaluation of staff workload, and analysis of statistical data in line with CEPEJ methodology and tools.

From 27 to 28 September, CEPEJ experts will then carry out an in-depth assessment of the specific needs of the Zugdidi District Court and the Batumi Municipal Court, via interviews with their presidents and staff. This assessment should lead to the elaboration of recommendations aimed at modernising and improving the management of these courts, to be then implemented as part of the court coaching programme.

On this occasion, the experts will present the methodologies and tools developed by the CEPEJ, familiarising the courts with best practices and experiences aimed at improving court management, such as promoting the quality of justice and the courts, carrying out user satisfaction surveys, improving judges' know-how and interpersonal skills, sharing knowledge and collaboration, analysing judicial data, reducing backlogs, judicial communication and mediation.

This activity was organised within the framework of the project “Support to modernisation of court management in Georgia”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance III (2023-2027).

Georgia 25-28 September 2023
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