January 2019- December 2022

The European Union/Council of Europe joint project “Improving the functioning, performance and acess to justice in Tunisia (AP-JUST), is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe. 

Context of the project

The European Union is supporting the reform of justice in Tunisia through important cooperation programmes. As part of its neighbourhood policy, the Council of Europe has established close cooperation with Tunisia from 2011, to support democratic political transition based on common values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. One of the priorities of this partnership has been and remains supporting the justice reform. The two international organisations, which work in partnership on the basis of shared values and standards, have decided to continue sharing their efforts in the framework of this joint programme supporting justice sector reform in Tunisia.

Project's objectives

The "AP-JUST" programme aims at strengthening, further developing, deepening and sustaining justice reform with a view to improve the quality and effectiveness of day to day justice service functioning provided by courts to Tunisian litigants.

Expected outcomes

  • Laws and policies in the area of justice comply with European standards;
  • Capacities of justice stakeholders: judges, lawyers, clercks... are strengthened and litigants benefit from a better quality of services;
  • Functioning and governance of the judicial system are improved and more efficient.

Main activities

  • Counselling, analysis and expertise to review legislative and policy frameworks: needs assessments, mapping of legal, institutional and political frameworks; legal reviews, opinions, reports and recommendations based on the methodologies of the Council of Europe with the participation of the Council of Europe's networks of experts;
  • Capacity building: tailored assistance; counselling, training/training of trainers and other forms of technical support; availability of tools and methodologies for the implementation of priority reforms aimed at developing new capacities and competencies.
  • Networking and peer exchange: participation of Tunisian experts in Council of Europe networks; round tables/expert working groups, peer reviews and exchanges of good practices.
  • Communication and outreach tools: awarenessraising and advocacy activities; publications, translations and dissemination of relevant materials in Arabic, French and English; online awareness activities and social networks

Project beneficiaries and stakeholders

Ministry of Justice, High Judiciary Institute (ISM), High Judiciary Council (CSM), Tunisian courts, Tunisian judges and prosecutors


Emmanuel Baron

Project coordinator -  Council of Europe office in Tunis (Tunisia)

Narjes Tira
Field officer - Council of Europe office in Tunis (Tunisia)

Anastasiia Nohovitsyna

Project coordinator -  Council of Europe in Strasbourg

Sandrine Lutz
Project assistant - Council of Europe in Strasbourg

Fathia Aboud

Project assistant- Council of Europe office in Tunis (Tunisia)

Training kit
 Kit de formation [en français et en arabe] - vidéos et présentations powerpoint

Back Workshop in Tunisia " Introducing mediation training: overview of the CEPEJ Guidelines and relevant European experiences”

Workshop in Tunisia

In continuity of the actions dedicated to mediation initiated since the beginning of the year, the CEPEJ, in cooperation with the Tunisian National Bar Association (ONAT) organised on 5th October 2021 an online workshop on introducing mediation training in the country.

During this workshop which gathered around 50 Tunisian lawyers of the ONAT, the CEPEJ international mediation expert and former President of the CEPEJ Working group on mediation introduced the basis and essentials of a mediator’s training, the existing European and CEPEJ standards in this field, such as the CEPEJ Guidelines on designing and monitoring mediation training schemes, and comparative relevant experiences.

The workshop was organised in the framework of the joint European Union / Council of Europe programme aimed at improving the functioning, performance and access to justice in Tunisia (AP-JUST) co-financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the latter.


Tunis (Tunisia) 5th October 2021
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International conference for sharing experiences on the reorganisation of the Court of Cassation in Tunisia - 7 and 8 November 2019



 Calendar of the forthcoming meetings 

 Activity programme

 Working groups



 Meeting reports

 CEPEJ was talked about


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