European Day of Justice 201525 October 2015

The European Day of Justice is celebrated each year around the 25 October. It aims to bring justice closer to citizens, to inform them on their rights and to to promote the work of the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of justice, through simulation of procedures and information sessions. This day is open to all european citizens, students and people who work in the field of justice. The Council of Europe invites representatives from the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) to inform about their projects in their respective countries for this special day.

The European Day of justice is celebrated on 25 October in Europe

The main event of the 2015 European Day of Justice has been celebrated by the CEPEJ in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the framework of the Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. On this occasion, the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize has been awarded.

Events by country

The member States are invited to inform the CEPEJ Secretariat (cepej [at] about the events organised in their country in the framework of the European Day of Justice.

Country Events



Court of Appeal in Vienna, "Open Day" on October 26

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina



For the first time in the history, the court system has been opened- two court complexes: Sabunchu Court Complex (21 October 2015) and Sheki Court Complex (5 November 2015), which cover more than 11 regional courts and justice institutions (bailiffs, forensic center, registration center). The aim of opening these complexes was to improve the effiency of access to courts. The BI part of the e-court system has been introduced; it increases the efficiency of electronic management of court system. Open days have also been organized for citizens and students in these court complexes. During the design of these court complexes, the benefit from the CEPEJ Guidelines on the organisation and accessibility of court premises has been used.

Republic of Moldova

Republic of Moldova

From 23 to 27 October 2015:
  • All courts had open days (visits from students) 
  • In several schools seminars has been rganised  with the participation of judges
  • On the TV Channel Moldova 1 "Vectorul European", public debates will be organised on the theme: The current situation in the field of justice: successes, challenges, the trust of citizen in the justice system, the interaction of the justice system with the civil society.



30 October 2015 in Karlsruhe, simulation of procedure and workshops at the Oberlandsgericht





Celebrating the European Day of Justice the competition of children paintings „Court protects humans“ was organized in all the regional courts and was intended for pupils of 6-8 grade. During the whole October children drew in their paintings, how they see judges, courts, court life and what justice means to them.

The final event took place on 27th October, 2015 at the Court of Appeal of Lithuania, where the painter Inga Dargužiene commented on the paintings and the authors of most original paintings were awarded.

In the event with judges, teachers, pupils and their parents the participated in the game “Brain-battle” game and the interactive performance was played with pupils.

Nuotraukų galerija.

It should be noted, that celebrating the day of Constitution and the European Day of Justice lots of educational events took place in courts of Lithuania – employees of courts checked on the knowledge of bypassers on the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, open days in courts for pupils and students where organized, where pupils and students could meet with judges and have discussions with them. 



The Superior Council of Magistracy will celebrate the European Day of Justice on 23 October 2015 by organising open day at courts and in the Superior Council of Magistracy





The Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia has in collaboration with the Association of deaf and hearing-impaired of Slovenia prepared a video guide in Slovenian sign language on the rights of deaf and hearing-impaired as well as blind and sight-impaired people in court proceedings



 Calendar of the forthcoming meetings 

 Activity programme

 Working groups



 Meeting reports

 CEPEJ was talked about


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