29 October 2021 9 am

Open door - Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik and Roundtable "Court settlement - a way to resolve litigations at the time of COVID-19"

Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and online
Event Information
European Day of Justice 2021  
Open door days at Court

Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Friday, 29th October, 2021

9.00     Court open Day: Distribution of promotional material

Representatives of the court will distribute promotional material at the counter in front of the court building – brochures Court settlement and Guidelines for the conclusion of the court settlement, as well as promotional materials regarding the European Day of Justice.

At the same time, promotional material will be delivered directly to the adresses of companies and parties in proceedings before Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik.

12:00     Roundtable "Court settlement - a way to resolve litigations at the time of  COVID-19" which will be organised in Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik

The round table will bring together representatives of ministries, courts, prosecutors, the Bar Association, companies, and other governmental and non-governmental organisations in the Central Bosnia Canton.

The Roundtable will present the topic "Court settlement - a way to resolve litigations at the time of COVID-19"

The roundtable will also be possible to follow via the Cisco Webex online platform.

The media will also be invited to this special event.


Kantonalni sud u Novom Travniku, Kralja Tvrtka bb, 72290 Novi Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel: 030 791-500 (centrala); Fax: 030 791-200

Web: http:// ksud-novitravnik.pravosudje.ba   E-mail: [email protected]



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