Project duration

30 months: 1 July 2019 – 31 December 2021

Euro 580.000
European Union and Council of Europe
Project title

Strengthening the profession of lawyer in line with European standards

Geographical focus: Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

Beneficiaries / Partners:

Beneficiaries: Self-governing Bar Associations

Partners: Ministries of Justice, self-governing bar associations, professional unions of lawyers, advocates and lawyers

Key issues to be addressed
  • Procedural and institutional setup of the functioning of lawyers
  • Internal structure of the associations of the bars
  • Procedural safeguards for lawyers
  • Systems of legal representation
  • Access to the profession of advocate
  • Systems of training for lawyers
  • Codes of ethical standards for lawyers
  • Professional standards of interaction of lawyers and judges in courts
  • Impact of gender-related issues on the profession and on access to justice
Project aim

Strengthen co-operation between the bar associations and law societies of the participating countries (Armenia, Belarus, Gerogia, Moldova and Ukraine) with a view to improving the internal functioning and independence of the bar.

Gender mainstreaming in the project

Gender will be mainstreamed in various ways throughout the project.

The project is linked to the priorities of the Eastern Partnership - 20 Deliverables for 2020, with reference to Priority II (Strengthening institutions and good governance) under chapter 10 (Implementation of key judicial reforms).

Project components

1 – Straightening the regional cooperation network of lawyers and bar associations of the participating countries

Aim of the component: to organise regional meetings of representatives of the bars, to deliver conferences for the bars, and lawyer unions with the aim to strengthen peer-to-peer co-operation amongst them.

2 – Improvement of the internal functioning of the bar associations

Aim of the component: to deliver a cross-country review of the internal structure of the bar associations, to develop country-specific action plans as to the improvement of the internal functioning of the bar associations, and to support the implementation of the country-specific action plans.

3 – Strengthening the independence and professionalism of lawyers

Aim of the component: to deliver cross-country reviews of the procedural safeguards for lawyers, codes of ethical standards, access to the profession, to develop recommendations as to the professional standards of interaction in courts of lawyers and judges, and to organise networking meetings of judges and lawyers.

4 – Strengthening the provision of legal services by lawyers

Aim of the component: to deliver cross-country reviews of the systems of legal representation (including free legal aid and the monopoly of advocates), impact of gender-related issues on the profession and on access to justice, and to develop/deliver the country-specific measures related to the improvement of the system of legal representation.

Council of Euroep Action Plan

Relevance for Council of Europe Action Plan and priorities:

Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2016-2019

Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2017-2020

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2021

Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018 -2023

The Council of Europe is implementing this project under the “European Union/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance”.

Project team

Project manager: Ms Natalia Khodakevich (Strasbourg)

Project officer: Mr Karen Karapetyan (Yerevan)

Project assistant: Ms Alina Beliaeva (Strasbourg)


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PGG II Regional Project “Strengthening the legal profession in line with European standards
Publication of the comparative review of the procedural and institutional setup of functioning of lawyers in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

The PGG II Regional Project “Strengthening the legal profession in line with European standards”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe, publishes a comparative review of the procedural and institutional setup of functioning of lawyers in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The comparative review is focused on the analysis of the legal frameworks in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, with a particular focus on the institutional organisation of the bar, including the issues of access to the bar, freedom of exercise of the legal profession, analysis of the national models of free legal aid. The issues related to gender equality and the young lawyers are observed. The comparative review is benchmarked against the Council of Europe standards related to the profession of lawyers.

The comparative review is developed by a group of international and national consultants, through a combination of a desk-work analysis and fact-finding missions conducted in the participating countries. For the comparative review the consultants held interviews with a broad range of national stakeholders, including representatives of bar associations, the judiciary, the state agencies, and lawyers' professional NGOs. The text of the comparative review was also a subject of substantial discussions among the key stakeholders.

Regional Project: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine Nov. 2019-Feb. 2020
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