Working Group examines the draft CCJE Opinion on the disciplinary liability of judges

16 July 2024 Strasbourg

The CCJE Working Group met in Dublin on 3-5 July 2024 to discuss the draft CCJE Opinion No. 27 (2024) on the disciplinary liability of judges. The members of the Working Group discussed and finalised this draft prepared on the basis of the structure approved during the previous meeting in April...

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The CCJE President takes part in a special session marking the 25th anniversary of GRECO

1 July 2024 Strasbourg

The CCJE President, Judge Leonie Reynolds (Ireland), took part, on 20 June 2024, in a special session marking the 25th anniversary of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and aiming to take stock of its achievements and to examine the challenges ahead in preventing...

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Justice Nina Betetto becomes a member of the Venice Commission

24 June 2024 Strasbourg

The CCJE has been delighted to learn that Justice Nina Betetto of the Supreme Court of Slovenia, member of the CCJE Working Group and former CCJE President, has become a member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) in respect of Slovenia. The CCJE co-operated...

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Working Group examines the structure of the CCJE’s future Opinion on the disciplinary liability of judges

15 April 2024 Strasbourg

The CCJE Working Group met in Rome on 3-5 April 2024 to discuss the draft structure for the CCJE Opinion No. 27 (2024) on the disciplinary liability of judges. The members of the Working Group discussed and finalised the draft structure of the Opinion prepared on the basis of previous Opinions of...

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The President of the CCJE supports the initiative of the International Association of Judges (IAJ)

29 January 2024 Strasbourg

The President of the CCJE, Judge Leonie Reynolds (Ireland), supported the initiative of the International Association of Judges (IAJ), which has an observer status to the CCJE, for the establishment by the United Nations of 11 January as the “International Day of Judicial Independence - 1000...

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The CCJE holds its 24th plenary meeting

4 December 2023 Strasbourg

The CCJE’s 24th plenary meeting was held on 29 November – 1 December 2023 in Strasbourg. Opinion No. 26 (2023) “Moving forward: the use of assistive technology in the judiciary” has been adopted. It examines the advantages and disadvantages of such use and emphasises the importance of maintaining...

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The President of the CCJE presents its work before the Committee of Ministers

2 October 2023 Strasbourg

The CCJE President, Judge Anke Eilers (Germany), took part in the 1476th meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, held on 27 September 2023, and presented to the Ministers’ Deputies the recent activities of the CCJE. Judge Eilers underlined in particular that strengthening...

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Election of Justice Duro Sessa as the President of the International Association of Judges

25 September 2023 Strasbourg

The CCJE has been delighted to learn that on 19 September 2023, during the 65th General Meeting of the Central Council of the International Association of Judges (IAJ) in Taipei, Justice Duro Sessa of the Supreme Court of Croatia, member of the CCJE Bureau and former CCJE President, was elected...

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The use of technologies in the judicial system has been discussed by the Working Group

27 June 2023 Strasbourg

The CCJE Working Group met on 21-23 June 2023 in Strasbourg to discuss the draft of the CCJE Opinion No. 26 (2023) on the use of technologies in the judicial system. The participants agreed that the Opinion should examine the advantages as well as disadvantages of the use of technologies by...

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Developing further the co-operation with the CEPEJ

19 June 2023 Strasbourg

The 40th plenary meeting of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) took place on 15-16 June 2023 in Strasbourg. Mr Artashes Melikyan, Secretary of the CCJE, took part and contributed to this meeting on behalf of the CCJE. He recalled in particular the meeting, on 17 January...

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