Status and situation of judges
The CCJE may be requested by member States to look into specific problems concerning judges. It addresses topical issues and, if necessary, visits the country concerned to discuss ways of improving the existing situation in legislative and practical terms.
Thematic studies of the CCJE
- Thematic study of the CCJE on diversity and inclusivity in the judiciary (2024)
- Thematic study of the CCJE on lessons learnt as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and their effect on the administration of justice (2023)
Reports concerning member States
- Report on judicial independence and impartiality in the Council of Europe member States (2019 edition)
- Report on judicial independence and impartiality in the Council of Europe member States in 2017
- Report jointly prepared by the CCJE and the CCPE on Challenges for judicial independence and impartiality in the member states of the Council of Europe (March 2016)
- Situation Report on the judiciary and judges in the Council of Europe member States - updated version n° 2 (2015) adopted during the 16th plenary meeting of the CCJE (London, 14-16 October 2015) and its appendix
- CCJE Situation report on the judiciary and judges in the Council of Europe member States
Updated version n° 1 (2013) adopted during the 14th plenary meeting of the CCJE (Strasbourg, 13-15 November 2013)
Replies from member States to this report
Specific situations
Code of Ethics
- Letter (Adoption of a Unified Code of Ethics) (November 2008)
- Statement of the CCJE Bureau regarding the competition for the selection of a member of the CCJE (August 2022)
- Comments on the draft Law of Georgia (May 2013)
- The reform of civil liability of individual judges in Italy (October 2015)
- Opinion following a request by the Association of Judges of Montenegro concerning the situation with regard to the retirement of judges (December 2022)
- Opinion following a request by the Association of Judges of Montenegro as regards the Judicial Council of Montenegro (August 2018)
- Ethical principles for Norwegian judges (October 2010)
- Statement concerning the independence of the judiciary in Poland (December 2019)
- Statement as regards the situation on the independence of the judiciary in Poland (June 2018)
- Statement on the attacks by some Polish media against a Judge of the Irish High Court (March 2018)
- Statement as regards the situation on thei ndependence of the judiciary in Poland (November 2017)
- Opinion of the CCJE Bureau on the Draft Act of September 2017 presented by the President of Poland (October 2017)
- Statement of the Bureau of the CCJE concerning the legislation on the Polish National Council of the Judiciary and Letter from the European Commission (July 2017)
- Opinion of the CCJE Bureau on the Draft Act of 23 January 2017, latest amended on 3 March 2017, amending the Act of 12 May 2011 on the Polish National Council of the Judiciary and certain other acts (April 2017)
Judicial Appointments
- Comments by the CCJE Bureau on decision of the President of Poland not to appoint as judges ten candidates presented by the National Council of the Judiciary (June 2016)
- Declaration (November 2008)
CCJE Opinions taken into account
- Opinion of the Bureau of the CCJE as regards the situation on the independence of the judiciary in Romania (April 2019)
Responsibility of judges
- Declaration of the CCJE concerning recent legislative developments in Romania (November 2006)
- Declaration (November 2008)
- Opinion of the CCJE Bureau following a request by the Judges’ Association of Serbia (May 2021) (Unofficial Serbian translation)
- Opinion following a request by the Judges’ Association of Serbia to assess the compatibility with European standards of the newly proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia which will affect the organisation of judicial power (December 2018)
- Opinion of the Bureau of the CCJE on the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia regarding the organisation of the judicial power (4 May 2018)
Judicial Appointments
- Declaration (June 2012)
- Declaration (November 2010)
- Answer to the letter given by Mr Füle on behalf of the European Commission (June 2010)
- Letter from Mr Barroso, President of the European Commission (April 2010)
- Declaration (November 2008)
- Request of assistance to the CCJE by the Judges' Association of Serbia (December 2007)
Status of judges and their independence
- Statement from the CCJE (November 2016)
- Statement from the Bureau of the CCJE (July 2016)
- Document from the Bureau of the CCJE commenting on some aspects of the legislation regarding judges and prosecutors in Turkey (July 2016)
- Opinions of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey regarding the report of the Bureau of the Consultative Council of European Judges dated 12 June 2015 (October 2015)
- Position of the Bureau of the CCJE on the suspension and arrest of judges in Turkey (June 2015)
- Comments on the draft Law of to amend the Law on the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors and Related Laws (February 2014)
- Opinion of the CCJE Bureau following a request of the Association of Judges of Ukraine concerning the issues related to the transfer of judges in the context of re-organisation of the court system (August 2023)
- Comments by the CCJE Bureau on the complaint from Ukraine addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and also on the open letter of the Council of Judges of Ukraine sent to the President of the CCJE (May 2015)