At its 27th meeting (4 December 2020), the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings elected the following eight members of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA):
Mr Thomas Ahlstrand (Swedish) – (first term of office)
Ms Helga Gayer (German) – (second term of office)
Mr Sergey Ghazinyan (Armenian) – (first term of office)
Mr Aurelijus Gutauskas (Lithuanian) – (first term of office)
Ms Conny Rijken (Dutch) – (first term of office)
Mr Peter Van Hauwermeiren (Belgian) – (first term of office)
Mr Georgios Vanikiotis (Greek) – (first term of office)
Ms Dorothea Winkler (Swiss) – (second term of office)
The mandates of these eight members will run from 1 January 2021 until 31 December 2024. The remaining seven GRETA members have their mandates running until the end of 2022.
At the same meeting, the Committee adopted recommendations concerning Albania, Croatia and the Republic of Moldova, based on GRETA’s third round evaluation reports.
The Committee also considered reports from the governments of Andorra, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania and Switzerland concerning the implementation of the previous recommendations issued to these Parties.