Joint Council of Europe - OSCE conference “Strengthening the role of the private sector in combating human trafficking and labour exploitation in supply chains”

The Council of Europe's Anti-Trafficking Division and the Office of the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings co-organised a conference on 28 May 2024, in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the support of the Bulgarian National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, on “Strengthening the role of the private sector in combating human trafficking and labour exploitation in supply chains”. The aim was to present an overview of policy and legal developments in human rights due diligence, and to exchange best practices and lessons learned on how to prevent and combat human trafficking and labour exploitation in supply chains.


Collaborative efforts and private sector role in combating human trafficking and labour exploitation highlighted at conference and roundtable in Bulgaria

29 May 2024 Sofia, Bulgaria

More than 50 public officials, business and civil society representatives gathered in Sofia to discuss collaborative efforts in addressing human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. Hosted by the Office of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking...

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Opening Remarks by:

Introduction to Human Rights Due Diligence in supply chains and the OSCE’s and Council of Europe’s approach to preventing and combating human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation

Best practices of Human Rights Due Diligence in government policy frameworks and legislation: Lessons learned

Monitoring and enforcing Human Rights Due Diligence: Challenges in the access to remedy

Human Rights Due Diligence in the private sector and the impact of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Objective of the conference

The event brought together representatives from relevant governmental bodies, agencies and specialised units dealing with combating human trafficking, as well as stakeholders from the private sector in Bulgaria, business associations, chambers of commerce, labour inspectors, procurement practitioners, trade unions, academia, civil society, international organisations, and experts on business and human rights.

The conference aimed to stimulate discussion between Bulgarian companies and stakeholders from government, civil society and the private sector, with a focus, on the one hand, on the responsibility of States to ensure that human rights due diligence legislation is adopted and effectively applied in practice, and, on the other hand, on the responsibility of businesses, which must implement preventing measures and policies that assess and mitigate human rights risks in their operations and supply chains, including protection against human trafficking and other exploitative practices.

Date and venue

 28 May 2024 | 9h00 – 16h30

Sofia, Bulgaria, Conference room “Four seasons”, 2020 Event Space


Alongside the conference, a Business Roundtable was held on 29 May, in cooperation with the UN Global Compact Bulgaria Network and the German Helpdesk Business and Human Rights.