Portugal became the 19th member State of the Council of Europe on 22 September 1976.

Convention 108 Signed 14/05/81
  Ratified 02/09/93
Convention 108+ Signed 10/10/2018
National Constitution   Art. 35, 1976 Constitution
Specific National Legislation   Protection of Personal Data (Implementation of Directive 95/46/EC)
Enacted   28/10/1998
Scope Manual Processing Yes

Non Natural person No

Public or private sector Both
Registration or Notification   Some data
Special Authorisation for Exportation   Some data
Data Protection Authority

  National Data Protection Commission
Commissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados
Rua de São Bento 148, 3º P - 1200 LISBOA
Tel: 351 21 392 84 00 / Fax: 351 21 397 68 32
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cnpd.pt