Resolution No. 9 (2019) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 6 December 2019, on the financing of the Bern Convention and on initiating the establishment of a new system for obligatory financial contributions by Parties

Resolution No. 8 (2012) of the Standing Committee, adopted on 30 November 2012 on the national designation of adopted Emerald sites and the implementation of management, monitoring and reporting measures

Resolution No. 7 (2000) on the medium-term strategic development of the Convention on the Conservation of European wildlife and Natural Habitats (adopted by the Standing Committee on 1st December 2000)

Resolution No. 6 (1998) listing the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 1998) and Revised Annex I of Resolution 6 (1998) (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 2 December 2011

Resolution No. 5 (1998) concerning the rules for the Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (Emerald Network)(Adopted by the Standing Committee on 4 December 1998) and revised Appendix to the Resolution (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 2013)

Resolution No. 4 (1996) listing endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 1996) and Revised Annex I of Resolution 4 (1996) (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 6 December 2019)

Resolution No. 3 (1996) concerning the setting up of a pan-European Ecological Network (Adopted by the Standing Committee on 26 January 1996)

Resolution No. 2 (1993) on the scope of Articles 8 and 9 of the Bern Convention, revised and adopted on 2 December 2011

Resolution No. 1 (1989) of the standing committee on the provisions relating to the conservation of habitats (Adopted by the Standing Committee of 9 June 1989)


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