Workshop on Circular on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Templates for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests

4 JULY 2024 İzmir

On 4 July 2024, the ICCM project held a workshop in İzmir with the participation of 20 representatives from the Ministry of Justice Directorate General for Foreign Relations and EU Affairs (DGFREU), and judges and prosecutors. The workshop aimed to facilitate discussions among the participants...

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Türkiye hosts conference on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

27 May 2024 Ankara

In cooperation with the Ministry of Justice Directorate General for Foreign Relations and European Union Affairs, the Council of Europe has organised a two-day international conference “International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Combatting Cybercrime“ under the EU-CoE Joint...

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Workshop on templates for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests

25 April 2024 Ankara

On 25 April 2024, a workshop was held in Ankara with the participation of 25 representatives from the Ministry of Justice Directorate General for Foreign Relations and EU Affairs (DGFREU), and judges and prosecutors from Ankara. The workshop aimed to facilitate discussions among the participants...

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Improving International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Turkey: Upgraded Resources for Library and IT Infrastructure for the main beneficiary at the Ministry of Justice


On 16 February 2024, an inauguration ceremony was organised in the Ministry of Justice with the participation of Mr Kasım Çiçek, the Director General, and Mr William Massolin, the Head of Council of Europe Programme Office in Ankara, on the occasion of provision of 85 Turkish and 70 Foreign books...

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Workshops on Information Sharing and Inter-Agency Cooperation at the Pre-MLA Phase

22 - 23 February 2024 Istanbul

Two consecutive workshops were held in İstanbul on 22 and 23 February 2024 with the participation of 50 representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Directorate General of Security, the Gendarmerie General Command, the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, as well as...

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