Back Addressing intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI people: new publication by ECRI

Addressing intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI people: new publication by ECRI

Key recommendations of the Council of Europe’s anti-racism commission (ECRI) to the Organisation’s member states on how to end policies and practices that may lead to intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI people, are the basis of a new publication (factsheet) that was launched today, on the occasion of the Zero Discrimination Day 2021.

The factsheet, which is also available in French, focuses on legal framework and ways to tackle discrimination against LGBTI persons in criminal, civil and administrative law, in the legislation on cohabitation and marriage, as well as in asylum legislation. Comprehensive and reliable data collection systems on hate crimes and follow-up given by the police and judicial authorities should be set up. Awareness raising, education and training of various professionals are vital for preventing hate crimes and discrimination against LGBTI persons. LGBTI community members should be able to enjoy their right to appropriate health care, physical integrity, and bodily autonomy.

The publication summarises recommendations made by ECRI to safeguard and protect LGBTI persons’ human rights as a result of ECRI’s monitoring visits to the Council of Europe’s 47 member states. ECRI started examining discrimination and intolerance towards LGBT persons in its fifth cycle of country monitoring that ran from 2013 to 2018 and covered all 47 member states, and towards Intersex persons in its sixth monitoring cycle, which started in 2019.

The factsheet was prepared by the Secretariat of ECRI, in close consultation with the Task Force on LGBTI issues set up by ECRI to prepare the ground for the drawing-up of a General Policy Recommendation on this matter in the years to come. See also Sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics

Strasbourg, France 1 March 2021
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საქართველოს ოფისში 48 ადამიანი მუშაობს, რომელთა უმრავლესობა თანამშრომლობის სხვადასხვა პროექტებშია ჩართული. ამ პროგრამების მიზანია საქართველოს მხარდაჭერა ევროპის საბჭოს სტანდარტების შესრულებაში ადამიანის უფლებათა დაცვის, კანონის უზენაესობისა და დემოკრატიის გაძლიერების მიმართულებით.

ევროპის საბჭო წარმოადგენს ადამიანის უფლებათა წამყვან ორგანიზაციას ევროპის კონტინენტზე. ის აერთიანებს 46 წევრ სახელმწიფოს, რომელთა შორის 27 ევროკავშირის წევრია. ჩვენს ყველა წევრ ქვეყანას ხელმოწერილი აქვს ადამიანის უფლებათა ევროპული კონვენცია, რომელიც ევროპაში ადამიანის უფლებების დაცვის ქვაკუთხედი გახლავთ. 






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