Indietro Johan van den HOUT: “The protection of children against abuse is a long-term battle”

Johan van den HOUT: “The protection of children against abuse is a long-term battle”
“The fight for the protection of children against abuse is a long-term battle. We need to keep up the work we started with the 1 in 5 campaign of the Council of Europe”, stated Johan van den HOUT, Thematic Spokesperson on Children of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, in the statement he gave on the occasion of the “European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse”, celebrated on 18 November each year.

He drew attention to the Congress report on unaccompanied refugee children which notes that refugee children are in particular danger of abuse and trafficking, even when they reach “safe” countries. “In most of our member States it is the local and regional authorities who are in charge of education of children from pre-school onwards. They are in the front line for dealing with these issues and should do their utmost to create a safe world for our children” he concluded.

Strasbourg, France 18 November 2018
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The European Charter of Local Self-Government lays down standards for protecting the rights of local authorities and requires states which have ratified it to comply with a number of principles. The Congress is responsible for evaluating the application of the Charter in each Member State.

Cooperation and thematic activities complement, in the field, the normative work of the Congress. They are based on the political dialogue and the monitoring of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and enable the implementation of the adopted recommendations and resolutions.

The Congress periodically observes local and regional elections in Council of Europe member States and, sometimes, beyond. This activity, which may be organised in cooperation with other international organisations, complements the political monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-Government

Post-monitoring and post-electoral dialogue aims to support national authorities in order to ensure the implementation of the recommendations adopted by the Congress and addressed to the national authorities of member states by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

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