The functioning of the Congress is based on several structuresThe Bureau, the Statutory Forum, the Chamber of Local Authorities and the Chamber of Regions, the 3 Committees and the working groups.

The Bureau of the Congress is composed of the Bureaux of the two Chambers and of the President of the Congress. He ensures that work goes on at times when neither the Standing Committee nor the Congress is meeting.

The Statutory Forum comprises the Presidents of all national delegations and the members of the Bureau. It acts on behalf of the Congress between sessions.                                     

The Congress has three committees: the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by member states of the European Charter of Local Self-Government - Monitoring Committee, the Governance Committee responsible for affairs falling within the scope of the Congress' statutory mandate and the Current Affairs Committee is responsible for studying the role of local and regional authorities with regard to the major challenges of our society.

The Group of independent experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government assists the Institutional Committee with its statutory tasks

 Members of the GIE

