Politique des jardins : PAYS-BAS


 Institution(s) in charge

  • The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
    It is responsible for policies and the register of 61.000 national listed monuments, including parks & gardens. The Agency does not own monuments.
    Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap)
    Smallepad 5, 3811 MG Amersfoort +33 421 7 421


 Other actors


 Relevant legislation


 Protection measures

About 1300 gardens, parks, cemeteries, etc.  are protected mainly on national level, one level of protection. Some gardens are protected by local authorities (total numbers of these are unknown).

The Agency advises local authorities on permits for significant changes and restoration works


 Existing inventories

Gids voor de Nederlandse tuin- en landschapsarchitectuur, Rotterdam: De Hef, 1995-2000, 4 volumes, by Oldenburger-Ebbers, C.S. ; Backer, A.M. ; Blok, E. 

Almost 2000 parks and gardens per region, only the ones open to the public.

Therefore not matching completely with the list of protected gardens. 


 Online information


 Specialised training

No formal specialized training at universities or any other level. More general Master studies like Heritage studies, Landscape design, Landscape history (not designed landscape), Art-history or Planning sometimes devote some attention to historical parks and gardens. There is no specialized training of gardeners either (maybe in 2017).

Long-life learning exist. 

Congresses and meetings: 

Occasional local or project-related meetings

Platform Groen Erfgoed is open for all professionals. Others are open for all. 


 Awareness-raising actions

Dag van het park

A national event (also in Flanders) taking place on the 29th May 2016 and open to all


 Terminology tools

Thesaurus:  partly multilingual and work in progress. Garden-terms are mixed in with other heritage terms (no separate set of terms for gardens)



Not collected in one place. Work in progress
