Politique des jardins : ALLEMAGNE

 Institution(s) in charge

Under Germany’s federal system with the responsibility for cultural affairs at the Länder level, institutions in charge of gardens are often, but not always, linked to the Länder. Important ones are:

This list is not exhaustive.  

Furthermore, local institutions play an important role, important ones are:

Again, this list is not exhaustive.   


 Other actors

There are a number of networks and associations, important ones are:

Again, this list is not exhaustive.  

Furthermore, local institutions play an important role, e.g.:

Again, this list is not exhaustive.  


 Relevant legislation

Under Germany’s federal system with the responsibility for cultural affairs at the federal level, law in force for the protection of cultural heritage is different in each federal state. 

For a list of all laws (Denkmalschutzgesetze)

For a list of all agencies in charge at the federal level (Denkmalfachbehörden)

In regard to the protection of gardens, further law, e.g. nature protection laws (both national and federal) may be of relevance. 


 Protection measures

According to a BHU survey conducted in 2002, there are around 6,000 protected historic gardens in Germany. These are in both public and private hands.

The Protecting of historic gardens in Germany is a matter for the federal states and is based on the conservation laws of the federal states.  

The protected historical gardens in Germany are in both public and private hands. In general, the larger are public and the smaller private.


 Existing inventories

To date, there is no nationwide database on the gardens resp. historical gardens in Germany.


 Online information

This list is not exhaustive.   


 Specialised training


 Awareness-raising actions

Regular national events are: 

There are in addition numerous events and awareness-raising activities at federal and local level. 


 Terminology tools



Important ones are: 

This list is however not exhaustive.