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Workshop on the Resource Pack and Training of Trainers for pilot schools anti-bullying team leaders

On 18-21 July 2017, the joint Horizontal Facility EU/CoE Action “Fighting bullying and extremism in the education system in Albania” organised a four-day training event in Durrës, Albania, with the aim of introducing the resource pack on bullying and extremism to local trainers and teachers from 21 pilot schools in Albania. The Resource Pack is elaborated based on Council of Europe publications such as “Teaching controversial issues”, “Competences for Democratic Culture”, “Teaching democracy”, “Bookmarks” and “All equal-all different”.

CoE international experts introduced the resource pack to 13 local trainers, in charge of pilot schools, who further tailored the training curricula to be carried out in their respective schools during September – November 2017.

In addition, 42 representative teachers of pilot schools were trained on the concepts, forms and consequences of bullying and extremism, parents and community involvement, participation, constructive communication and preparation of anti-bullying school polices. The knowledge acquired by them will be further disseminated to their peers through Training of Trainers sessions. As a result of this training, teachers and school administration staff will be able to make significant improvements in terms of addressing controversial issues such as bullying and extremism in schools.


Albania 24 July 2017
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The Council of Europe assists in enhancing the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups by applying anti-discriminatory approaches in the formal education system in Albania based on Council of Europe standards and practices. This project is being implemented in close cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sport. It will also include a broader group of national partners and stakeholders, including education policy and research institutes, selected pilot schools, local communities, media and NGOs, teacher training and youth organisations.

The Project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe as a part of the European Union – Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey and is implemented by the Council of Europe Education Department in cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Tirana. The duration of the project is set at 32 months and it is expected to be completed by 31 January 2019, with an overall budget of 600,000 Euros.


Expected project results

The overall objective of the project is to find effective means to fight bullying and extremism in the education system in Albania, in line with Council of Europe standards. The first specific objective is to support relevant institutions in creating a safe learning environment through fighting bullying and extremism in the education system. This specific objective shall be accomplished through the achievement of the following results:

  • Pilot schools have developed and started putting in place mechanisms to prevent bullying and to respond to the ideological challenge of extremism.
  • Pupils experience a safe and supportive learning atmosphere.
  • Moral values of inclusion and respect are taught as a part of the school culture.

The second specific objective is to improve educational professionals’ skills by increasing their knowledge and competencies on how to prevent and to deal with cases of bullying and extremism. This specific objective shall be accomplished through the achievement of the following results:

  • Knowledge on bullying is improved through the development of resources for schools based on data from studies and best practices.
  • The capacity of teachers and school management to deal with controversial issues, bullying and extremism is enhanced through the creation of resource packs.
  • Educational professionals are conscious of the issue as a result of the organisation of training sessions, roundtables, workshops, conferences, awareness-raising activities and a peer to peer study visit.

The third specific objective is to raise awareness on what bullying is, how it impacts children, what the consequences of bullying are, and how to prevent it. This specific objective shall be accomplished through the achievement of the following results:

  • Increased awareness and improved knowledge at school, community and central level of the consequences of bullying and extremism in the education system.


This webpage has been produced using funds of a joint project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.