
Association of the Council of Europe Staff under the high patronage of the Secretary General, Mrs. Marija Pejčinović Burić

Every month, the Entraide-Solidarity association receives several requests for aid (more...)

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Back Word of the President for 2020

[January 2020] Dear Friends, dear contributors,

Thank you so much for the support you have given to our Association Entraide-Solidarity. Thanks to you we have been able to give concrete help to so many people, here and elsewhere, who really needed it.

For 2020, the General Assemply of the Association Entraide-Solidarity decided to focus in particular on local projects in Strasbourg or in the region for homeless people. We believe it is of utmost importance to help the most disadvantaged persons whom we see every day on the streets! Therefore, we would like to invite you to adhere to our Association (the membership fee is just €10 per year) or to consider making bigger donations.

Our projects are concrete! No donation is made to large associations or humanitarian causes that are already well-established. All our projects are supported by current or retired Council of Europe staff members who are personally committed to humanitarian causes.

We have gained real momentum and thanks to you – goodwill is in the air! We need your help to continue Entraide-Solidarity’s work for the benefit of those who, without us, often have nowhere else to turn.

Help us to fund these projects, all carefully selected and followed-up, by making a donation.

With all our thanks on behalf of those who will benefit from your help and our warmest, most positive wishes for the New Year!

Artashes Melikyan
President of Entraide-Solidarity Association

Following the COVID-19 sanitary crisis and lack of membership, the Entraide-Solidarity Association is currently not active and therefore all potential contributors are requested not to make currently any donations to the Association.