Account 2011

Some figures about the Entraide-Solidarity association

Supported projects

Visit in the Vosges to encourage the participation of disabled children

[January 2011] In the framework of a pedagogic and educational project for a specialised inclusion class of disabled children, the Entraide-Solidarity association has contributed to the transport cost for an amount of €450. This project carried out by a professor of an elementary school based in a zone of priority education in Cronenbourg (France), allowed the children to discover the Donon region in the Vosges (France).

- Presentation of the project [fr]

St Joseph's Home for the Elderly

[January 2011] Entraide-Solidarity association has renewed its assistance to the home for elderly people based in Kaduthuruthy (Kerela, Southern India) which houses elderly people without resources and abandoned by their families. As in past years, the association granted the sum of €500 for medicines.

Construction of a school building in Togo

[February 2011] Following our participation in the first KaraKoeur project which consisted in the provision of drinking water to a village in Togo, the Entraide-Solidarity association renews its support to the Bureau de l'humanitaire (Etincelle) de l'Ecole de Management of Strasbourg for its second project, KaraKoeur 2.
This project is dedicated to the construction of a school building with 3 classes in the village of Ceg Tchannade (area of Kozah) in order to develop the scolarity of children and prepare them for future life.

- Presentation of the project [fr]

No more power cut

[March 2011] Within the framework of its local actions, the Entraide-Solidarity association helped a family living in Strasbourg, to pay off their electricity bill. Their financial situation took a turn for the worse when electricity bills remained unpaid. The electricity supply was cut off a first time in February 2011.

Their social worker decides to contact the Entraide-Solidarity association and ask for a financial contribution of €220, which the Association gave them.

Casa Marianna

[April 2011] The Entraide-Solidarity association continues its collaboration with the association Voix Libres to build a day-care centre. This emergency shelter "La Casa Marianna" is based in the shanty town of El Abra, on the edge of the big city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. It should host 200 children and their families. Children are welcomed after school and the parents can receive micro-credits, health care, family and legal aid.

This project aims to reduce school non-attendance, currently standing at 75%, marginalisation, violence and the extreme poverty which is rampant in this area.

The contribution of the Entraide-Solidarity association is dedicated to the purchase of a computer, a range cooker, beds, educational material and office equipment for a total amount of €2,470.

Assistance to a welcome centre for women in Paspanga

[July 2011] The Saint Veronica Association has asked Entraide to fit out a welcome centre at Paspanga, a town on the outskirts of Ouagadougou. This centre currently welcomes nearly a hundred women who were chased out of their villages or sent away by their families.

In order to support this work and maintain the good functioning of the centre, Entraide-Solidarity has pledged the sum of €3,202 for the furnishing of the communal kitchen.

- Presentation of the project [fr]

Zero debt account

[August 2011] As part of its local activities, Entraide-Solidarity has helped a local Single mother and her 16 year-old son to get out of debt.

Their situation deteriorated in August 2008 when the Mother, who had a temporary job contract, fell ill for several months. Their social and financial situation did not improve until 2010 and, although she has been able to remain in employment, she has been unable to pay off her charges bill for 2010. The charity allocated €400 in order to clear this debt.

Surgery for Fatoumata, young girl in Guinea

[August 2011] Entraide-Solidarity has pledged €200 towards the cost of hand surgery for a young girl from Guinea. Her parents were unable to meet the costs of the operation.

A stay permit request for a family from Cameroon

[August 2011] Within the framework of its local social actions, the Entraide-Solidarity association was asked to help a mother and her two sons from Cameroon obtain a long-term stay permit. The mother and her eldest son, who is studying at university, had been given a one-year stay permit each year over the last 5 years. The youngest child has French nationality. A long-term stay permit would allow them to claim social benefits, which they are in great need of.

To help them sort out the administrative procedures, the Association has decided to help with the cost of a €140 OMI stamp.

For Sacha

[September 2011] In June 2011, we undertook to help a former colleague whose son is suffering from leukemia. At the end of June, a first call for help allowed us to raise the sum of €4,000, which was immediately sent to the Ramdam Hospital in Haifa. (more ...)

Financial assistance for a school in Nepal

[September 2011] Following a request sent by the Club Tibet of Strasbourg, who, in partnership with 3 Tibetan villages, would like to build a boarding school with 8 rooms, 1 common room, 2 sanitary blocks for boys and girls, among many other things, the Entraide-Solidarity association has decided to take up the challenge and award a financial help of €1,200 to help with the building of the sanitary blocks.

- Presentation of the project [fr]

Debt settlement

[October 2011] As part of its local actions, and following a request by the social worker to help a local woman, the Entraide-Solidarity association has decided to help with the payment of her high flat rental bill, as well as with her electricity/gas bills. Because of her daughter's disability, who has since passed away, this lady was forced into accommodation above her financial means, but was unable to keep up with her payments.

The Entraide-Solidarity association will therefore repay a debt of €800, so that the woman can settle her debts and move into more affordable accommodation.

65 desks for a school in Rwanda

[December 2011] Entraide-Solidarity has provided €1,935 for 65 desks and benches for Kiryi Primary School in Rwanda. The school was destroyed last year by high winds and rains and some of the classrooms had to be rebuilt. Unfortunately they did not have enough money to buy desks for 409 of the pupils who had to sit four or five to a desk. So this addition to the classroom will get the new school year off to a good start for these eager young students.

Christmas Party for Neuhof youth

[December 2011] A donation of €200 from Entraide-Solidarity enabled a youth football team from Neuhof to have a Christmas outing at the bowling alley. They had not been able to raise all of the desired amount so this extra help sealed the deal.