The MEDICRIME Convention in the context of counterfeit COVID-19 vaccines

As more vaccines have become authorised by regulators around the globe for use, there have been increasing reports of seizures of counterfeit vaccines.

The MEDICRIME Committee sets out measures to prevent and combat the presence of counterfeit vaccines on the market.

Advice on the application of the MEDICRIME Convention in the context of counterfeit COVID-19 vaccines

Advice on the application of the MEDICRIME Convention in the context of COVID-19

The Committee of the Parties of the MEDICRIME Convention advises that the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has created extraordinary challenges for the authorities of all member States of the Council of Europe and other countries. There are specific and intense challenges for staff working in various places. The protection of the public health systems and individual health rests not only with healthcare practitioners and health service providers, but with all those who contribute to the protection of public health from falsified medical products and similar crimes.

A statement on COVID-19 and vaccines: ensuring equitable access to vaccination during the current and future pandemics has been issued by the Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics. The MEDICRIME Committee of the Parties (MEDICRIME CoP) contributed to it by warning of the danger of the possible sale of counterfeit vaccines together with other anti-COVID materials.

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COVID-19 in the world

World Health Organisation (WHO): COVID-19 Dashboard 

Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO): cumulative COVID-19 cases reported by countries