Preparatory work of the MEDICRIME Convention
The Council of Europe has been paying great attention to the issue of counterfeiting. A number of seminars and high level conferences were dedicated to discussing this problem, the threats it poses and possible solutions to it. Throughout these events it was stressed that the Council of Europe should approach the problem of counterfeit pharmaceutical products from a public health perspective and see it as a threat to public health (and safety), thus undermining the right to life enshrined in Article 2 of the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. To this end the elaboration of an international legal instrument, possibly a convention within the Council of Europe, in co-operation with other relevant international organizations, such as the WHO, was considered advisable.
The Survey Report on Counterfeit medicines (also known as the “Harper Report”) provided a comprehensive overview of the current situation of counterfeit medicines in the territory of the Council of Europe member states to the Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field and identified existing gaps in legislation and administrative procedures.
At the inter-governmental level, the Committee of Experts on Pharmaceutical Questions “Ad-hoc group on counterfeit medicines” (P-SP-PH/CMED), under the Public Health Committee (CD-P-SP) of the Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field, set up the Ad hoc Group on Counterfeit Medicines in 2003 with the task of focusing on public health protection and possibilities for improved co-operation of member states and other stakeholders as regards counterfeit medicines and other forms of pharmaceutical crime.
The Ad hoc Committee on Counterfeiting of Medical Products and similar crimes involving threats to public health (PC-ISP)
First meeting, 2-5 June 2009
- Terms of reference
- Draft agenda
- Draft order of business
- Draft convention (26 February 2009)
- Elements of the explanatory report
- Key issues related to the draft convention
Second meeting, 1-4 September 2009
Group Of Specialists On Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products (PC-S-CP)
- Summary of the discussions of the CDPC concerning the PC-S-CP
- Final Draft Report
- Report of the 1st meeting
- Report of the 2nd meeting
- Expertise B. GELLIE
- Patent-protected medicines on market in Europe
- A model for A Network of single points of contact (SPOCs) to combat counterfeit medical products
- Report of the 3rd meeting
- Revised terms of reference of the Group of Specialists on Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products
- Report PC-S-CP (2008) Fin