Observers are welcome to the MEDICRIME Committee. They can bring relevant information, experience and good practices falling within the Convention’s remit with a view to both improving the Parties’ capacity to prevent and combat the counterfeiting of medical products and other similar crimes involving threats to public health and enhancing international co-operation. They can also make proposals before the Committee. Furthermore, according to the Rules of Procedure, observers are not entitled to vote and may not be compensated for their expenses.

The following may appoint representatives to participate in the meetings of the MEDICRIME Committee:

a. the European Union and its agencies, including Europol and Eurojust;

b. the United Nations and its specialised agencies, including the World Health Organization;

c. Interpol;

d. the World Customs Organization;

e. the International Organisation of the Francophonie;

f. other intergovernmental organisations and any other entity authorised to participate in meetings of steering and ad hoc committees by virtue of a resolution or decision of the Committee of Ministers.

Representatives of relevant official bodies of the Parties and representatives of civil society, in particular of non-governmental organisations, may be admitted as observers to the MEDICRIME Committee following the procedure set out in Resolution CM/Res(2011)24 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods. A balanced representation of the different sectors and disciplines shall be ensured.

The MEDICRIME Committee may also authorise, on an ad hoc basis, the participation as observers of representatives of additional bodies, in particular:

a. private sector organisations involved in information and communication technologies;

b. financial institutions;

c. commercial and industrial sectors;

d. other relevant civil society actors.

Observer status granted by the MEDICRIME Committee
Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacy in the EU ASOP EU
Brazzaville Foundation Website
Conference of ministers of justice of ibero-American countries COMJIB
Fight the Fakes Fight the Fakes

International Association of French-speaking Customs Officers

International federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations IFPMA
Les entreprises du médicament LEEM
Organisation PanAfricaine de Lutte pour la Santé OPALS
Pharmaceutical Security Institute PSI
Would you like your organisation to participate in the MEDICRIME Committee?

We kindly ask you to complete and submit the following application form requesting observer status to the MEDICRIME Committee of the Parties at the following address: [email protected]. We will provide you with additional information by email.