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Human Rights Matter, a Road to Equality!
Compass training courses in Armenia - Solution Hub

As part of the Youth for Democracy programme, this year two interrelated National Training Courses in Human Rights Education took place in late November in Armenia- the main intention behind organising two activities was to reach out to as many young people from two regions of Armenia as possible within the capacity of the national partner organisations and have a wider impact. Both trainings were attended by youth workers, youth leaders, human rights activists and young people interested in developing their knowledge and competencies in human rights education on the national level.

The first course taking place from 21 to 24 November in the TNAC youth centre in Vayk was organised by Solution Hub NGO and developed knowledge, skills and competencies of 15 youth leaders, youth workers, teachers and human rights activists in human rights education and on the topic of active citizenship primarily from southern regions of Armenia (Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik and Syunik). Participants learned about fundamental human rights and values and discussed how human rights education can support youth participation. A specific attention was paid to Human Rights during pandemics and war. The second part of the course was dedicated to exploring COMPASS and other manuals published by the Council of Europe and experienced activities included in the manuals, and as a conclusion five follow up activities were designed, to be implemented in early 2021.

21-24 November 2020
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