Back “It is Okay to Get Political!”: Compass training course in Greece

“It is Okay to Get Political!”: Compass training course in Greece

The Compass National Training Course on Human Rights Education “It is Okay to Get Political!” was held from 5 to 7 October 2022 in Trilofos, Greece. The activity was implemented by the Youth Empowerment Center in partnership with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe within the Youth for Democracy programme.

The training course gathered 18 youth workers and youth leaders to raise their awareness on the concepts of human rights education and youth political participation, comprehension their interconnection and interrelation.  Compass, the  Manual for Human Rights Education was the main educational resource and companion of the trainers and participants.

As a result of the training, the 18 youth workers and youth leaders will apply what they learned in their communities through their youth organizations, institutions and initiatives,  and directly engage the young people they are working with for field of human rights education.