Aoife NOLAN (Irish)

  • Professor of International Human Rights Law and Co-Director of the Human Rights Law Centre, School of Law, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2028



Eliane CHEMLA (French)

  • State councillor
    State Council, Paris, France
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2024



Tatiana PUIU (Moldovan)


  • Attorney at Law, Specialist in Human Rights
  • Term of Office: 31/12/2024




Kristine DUPATE (Latvian)

General rapporteur

  • Associate Professor, International and European law, Faculty of Law, University of Latvia
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2028





József HAJDÚ (Hungarian)

  • Professor of Labour law and Social Security,
    Faculty of law, University of Szeged, Hungary
  • Term of Office: 31/12/2024




Karin Møhl LARSEN (Danish)

  • Adviser on International Social Security issues and European Union Law (retired)
  • Term of Office: 31/12/2026





Yusuf BALCI (Turkish)

  • Professor of Labour Economics and Social Policy, 
    Faculty of Business, Istanbul Commerce University
  • Term of Office:  31/12/2024





Paul RIETJENS (Belgian)

  • Former Director general of Legal Affairs of the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs,
    Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Brussels, Belgium (retired)
  • Member of the Complaints Board of the European Schools,
    Brussels, Belgium (since 2007)
  • Term of Office: 31/12/2026



George THEODOSIS (Greek) 

  • Assistant Professor of Labour Law and Director of the Laboratory of Comparative and European Social Law,
    Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, Greece 
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2026




Mario VINKOVIĆ (Croatian) 

  • Professor of Labour law and Social security, Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law (2013-2016),
    Faculty of Law, University of Osijek, Croatia
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2026




Miriam KULLMANN (German) 

  • Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Utrecht University School of Law, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2026






  • Professor of Labour law and social security University of Valencia (Spain);
  • Director of the International Research Group about “Human Rights and European Social Charter
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2028



Franz MARHOLD (Austrian)

  • Professor, Dr., Emeritus Lawyer;
  • Institute for Austrian and European Labour Law and Social Security Law
  • Term of Office : 31/12/2028





Alla FEDOROVA (Ukrainian)

  • Associate Professor, Institute of international relation Taras Shevchenko, National University of Kyiv. 
  • Term of office : 31/12/2024





 Grega STRBAN (Slovenian)

  • Professor, Head of Department of labour law and social security law, Faculty of Law of Ljubljana 
  • Term of office : 31/12/2028




Back Spain signs the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter on collective complaints

Spain signs the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter on collective complaints

Manuel Montobbio, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Spain to the Council of Europe, signed today, in the presence of Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the Additional Protocol of 1995 providing for a system of collective complaints. This is an important step which requires the subsequent ratification of the Protocol or a declaration at the time of ratifying the revised Charter, a ratification process that is well under way in Spain.

“The signature of the collective complaints Protocol demonstrates Spain’s commitment to social rights and support for the European Social Charter system”, emphasised Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni. The Deputy Secretary General also applauded the timing, when the Charter celebrates its 60th anniversary (1961 – 2021) against a backdrop of discussions on improving the implementation of social rights in Europe and strengthening the Charter system.

The aim pursued with the introduction of the procedure in 1995 was to increase the effectiveness and the impact of the implementation of the Charter at national level. In addition, the collective complaints procedure has strengthened the role of social partners and non-governmental organisations by enabling them to apply under this opt-in procedure to the European Committee of Social Rights to examine compliance by States with the Charter provisions they have accepted.

Strasbourg, France O4/02/2021
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