Are digital identity programmes being implemented with privacy by design?


2 July (Thursday)

4.10pm-5.10pm      Digital Identity
  • Pat WALSHE, Director, Privacy Matters, Council of Europe expert
  • Omar SEGHROUCHNI, President, CNDP - Morocco
  • Raymund ENRIQUEZ LIBORO, Privacy Commissioner, National Privacy Commission of the Philippines
  • Eduardo BERTONI, Director, National Access to Public Information Agency - Argentina

See full programme on the main page

Visit the dedicated webpage on Data Protection Views from Strasbourg in Visio (1-3 July) and see other themes:
Session 1: How to ensure that countries that commit to Convention 108+ comply with its provisions? Why do we need a follow-up and evaluation mechanism, and which one?
Session 2: How do we address the latest challenges posed by profiling in an AI era?
Session 3: What does the right to data protection imply in an educational setting? What schools have to do, and what they should stop doing?
Session 4: Are digital identity programmes being implemented with privacy by design?
Session 5: Mirror of our souls: learning Cicero’s lessons and addressing facial recognition risks
Session 6: Political campaigns and elections: why is data protection so crucial?
speakers' presentations