36th Plenary meeting of Committee of Conv. 108
(Convention 108)
36th Plenary meeting
Draft Agenda
Council of Europe, Strasbourg, Palais de l’Europe (Room 9)
19 June 2018, 9:30am - 21 June 2018, 1:00pm
1. Opening of the meeting |
Abridged report of the 35th Plenary meeting (Strasbourg, 22-24 November 2017) |
Abridged report of the 44th Bureau meeting (Strasbourg, 26-28 March 2018) |
Abridged report of the 43rd Bureau meeting (Geneva, 18-20 December 2017) |
Work programme of the Committee 2018-2019 |
Rules of procedure |
2. Adoption of the agenda |
3. Statement by the secretariat |
Mr Patrick Penninckx, Head of Information Society Department |
4. Modernisation of Convention 108 |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat. |
Draft questionnaire on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism |
Information elements on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism |
5. State of play, ratifications and accessions |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat. |
19 June at 2:30 pm in the Lobby of the Committee of Ministers : deposit of the instrument of accession by Cabo Verde (New! 18/05/2018) |
6. Protection of Health-related data Expert: Ms. Jeanne Bossi Malafosse, Paris, France. Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the revised version of the draft Recommendation together with the draft explanatory memorandum with a view to the approbation of the draft Recommendation and finalisation of the draft explanatory memorandum. |
T-PD(2018)06 (new! 8/06/2018)
Draft Recommendation on the protection of health related data Comments on the Draft Recommendation on the Protection of Health-Related Data (new! 19/06/2018) |
Publication postponed after the September Bureau meeting. |
Draft explanatory memorandum |
Presentation report on the possible update of the |
on the protection of medical data |
7. Artificial intelligence |
Expert: Mr Alessandro Mantelero, Associated Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will hold an exchange of views on the preliminary report. |
T-PD(2018)09 New! 12/06/2018 |
Preliminary report on “Artificial intelligence” |
8. Cooperation Arrangement |
Expert: Mr Gert Vermeulen, full professor of (European and international) criminal law and director of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP). |
T-PD(2018)13rev (corrigendum) |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the draft Opinion for adoption. |
9. ICANN |
Required action: The Committee will examine the draft Guide for adoption. |
10. Media |
"Draft Guidelines safeguarding privacy in the Media" |
Required action: The Committee will hold a joint session with the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) (on 20 June from 9:30am to 10:30am in room 1) and will approve the document.
11. Case-Law |
ECHR Compilation New!12/06/2018 |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat and by the representative of the European Commission. |
12. Cooperation with other Council of Europe bodies and entities |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat and by Professor Vermeulen regarding the work of the T-CY. |
Study Algorithms and Human Rights - CDMSI
Draft Answers from the Committee of Convention 108 to the Discussion paper for Octopus Conference
13. Cooperation projects |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat. |
Data Protection and privacy rights |
Cooperation projects of the Council of Europe in the data protection field (Information Document) (New! 24/05/2018) |
14. Opinions |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat. |
Compilation of opinions |
15. Focus: Data subjects’ rights and Data Protection in practice |
Required action: The Committee will take note of |
16. Handbook on European Data Protection law |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information presented by Mr Mario Oetheimer, Head of Sector Information Society, Privacy and Data Protection, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the presentation of Mr Robert Spano, Judge, ECHR (Thursday, 21 June at 9:30am). |
17. Overview of activities and major developments in the field of data protection |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat. |
T-PD(2018)12Mos New! 28 06 2018
18. Data Protection Commissioner |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Council of Europe Data Protection Commissioner. |
19. Observers |
Presentation Data Protection in Korea - Korea Communications Commission |
Required action: The Committee will examine and decide upon the request received and will take note of the information provided by the observers and by the secretariat. Compilation of interventions |
Observers - State of play and admission criteria |
20. Stefano Rodota Award |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the progress of the organisation of this award. |
T-PD(2018)14 |
21. Elections |
Required action: The Committee will proceed to the elections. NB.: See the call for applications! |
Memorandum concerning elections |
22. Next meetings |
Required action: The Committee will take note of the proposed dates for the next meetings. |
23. Any Other Business |
Draft order of business
(Provisional and subject to change in light of the work pace)
19 June (Tuesday) |
20 June (Wednesday) |
21 June (Thursday)
Start |
9:30 am |
Items 1 to 6 |
Items Points 6,10,12,18 |
Items 13,15,16,19,20, |
Break/end |
1 pm |
Lunch |
Lunch |
End |
Start |
2:30 pm |
Items 6,11,14,17 |
Items 7,8,9,12,19 |
End |
6 pm |
Informal gathering 8 pm |