Back Right to access to information and right to the protection of personal data – joint training in Tunisia

Right to access to information and right to the protection of personal data – joint training in Tunisia

Why a right to access to information? What does the right to protection of personal data mean?

What are the legal framework in force? What is the mandate of a person in charge of access to information?

How to apply the right to access to information and to public documents and the right to personal data protection?

How to ensure the necessary transparency and find the correct balance between those two rights that are equally crucial for democracy and human rights?

These were the topics addressed during a training cycle organised by the Council of Europe with the partnership of the Instance Nationale d’Accès à l’Information (INAI) and the Instance Nationale de Protection des Données Personnelles (INPDP) in Hammamet (29 and 30 November), in Sfax (3 and 4 December) and in Tunis (7 and 8 December), and animated by an external trainer and the chairmen of both authorities in charge of the themes.

Three technical training sessions on the articulation of the right to access to information and the right to protection of personal data in Tunisia, both rights often considered as ‘the two sides of the same coin’ have gathered officials in charge of access to information and their delegates from various public bodies (Ministries of agriculture, for health, finance, women, sports, education, universities, transports, from governorates and municipalities of the Jendouba, Beja, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Kairouan, Mahdia, Bizerte, Nabeul, Sousse, Monastir, Sfax, Medenine, le Kef and Siliana regions).

A standard module on the right to access to information, developed in the framework of the PAII-T Programme, and supplemented by a specific session on conciliating both rights, gave over 70 participants the opportunity to enlarge their knowledge, obtain answers to concrete questions and exchange on their practices.

This activity took place in the framework of the joint programme Support to independent instances in Tunisia (PAII-T), co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the latter. It corresponds to one of the priorities of the PAII-T programme with both authorities, INAI and INPDP to conciliate the practices in respect of the right to access to information and the right to the protection of personal data pratiques at local and central level, as well as to better address the various related interpretations.

Tunis 7 December 2021
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