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Participation in the IGF 2020

The Internet Governance Forum is taking place online this year. The Council of Europe is contributing to this global event, on various topics notably in the field of AI, anti-discrimination, media literacy, freedom of expression and hate speech.

It is furthermore co-organising a workshop on 9 November 2020 (12:10-13:40 UTC) with ISOC France, China Internet Development Foundation and CyberSecurity Association of China on the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy in the Prevention and ‎Control of COVID-19‎. The session will focus on the protection of personal data and privacy in relation to the measures taken to curb the global pandemic crisis caused by COVID-19. Based on case studies, it will aim to highlight best practices that should provide inspiration for future models. The Council of Europe during the workshop will promote standards provided by its instruments, that are fully applicable even in times of crisis and recalled in two joint statements issued by the Chair of the Committee of Convention 108 and the Data Protection Commissioner of the Council of Europe: one on the right to data protection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (published on 30 March 2020) and one on Digital Contact Tracing (published on 28 April 2020).

By Videoconferencing 9 November 2020
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