On 14 and 15 November, the Council of Europe hosted the 5th edition of the International Intelligence Oversight Forum (IIOF) on the theme "Intelligence oversight in the Brave New World of Proportionality”. It was attended by nearly 90 participants, mostly members of intelligence oversight bodies (both independent agencies and Parliamentary Committees/Commissions) as well as representatives of intelligence agencies and Data Protection Authorities. These are complemented by a small number of academics (10 out of 120 participants) and one NGO, all specialising in surveillance and related matters.
Lead by Pr. Joe Cannataci, the topics of the 5 discussion panels were Intelligence oversight and Article 11 of Convention 108+; Ukraine conflict and its impact on intelligence oversight; Extension of intelligence collection in areas which are not classical security threats; Privacy should not depend on the passport in your pocket: oversight of surveillance of foreign intelligence and non-citizens; Inter-dependence, independence and inter-operability: What have the past 5-10 years taught us about optimized structures for and laws governing oversight agencies.