Back 25th anniversary of Il Garante - the State of Privacy 2022

25th anniversary of Il Garante -  the State of Privacy 2022

On the occasion of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali), a multidisciplinary conference addressed the State of Privacy 2022 and looked at the future, on 23 September in Naples.

Together with other high level participants, the Council of Europe was, of course, present in the round table on Human Rights.

Our contributions covered The interplay between data protection and human rights: how to ensure a fruitful interaction among fundamental rights; Human rights and privacy in emergencies: how to secure a persistent protection of fundamental rights and data protection in critical situations; and Privacy and democracy: how to react to profiling/manipulation of (web) users in the construction and protection of democracy.

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Naples 26 September 2022
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