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‘’ Transparency and Protection - Two Fundamental Components of Democracy”

A conference titled ‘’Transparency and Protection - Two Fundamental Components of Democracy’’, held in Tunis on 5 October, was the occasion to discuss the balance of the rights of access to information and of data protection, within the respect of international standards. 

Following a key note speech by Pr. Yves Poullet, a first panel debated the respective positions of the right to access to information and the right to data protection and their relation and was completed by a presentation of the approach of the caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights.

A second panel enabled sharing experiences from Switzerland (Neuchâtel and Jura cantons), Senegal and Tunisia.

Finally, a practical Guide “Conciliate the right to access to information and the right to personal data protection et droit de la protection des données personnelles” was presented and officially launched. Specifically designed as a decision aid for Tunisian officials in charge of access to information, this guide is useful for any person concerned by the topic. It is published as a bilingual leaflet and also exists in a digital version on the web sites of the INPDP and INAI.

This activity is supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe in the framework of the joint programme "«Support to independant authorities in Tunisia"

Tunis 11 October 2022
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