Back European Heritage Days Assembly to Wrap-up the 35th Edition of the Festival

Wrapping up another successful season of the largest cultural festival in Europe, the national coordinators will meet in Strasbourg this month to plan for future heritage celebrations.
European Heritage Days Assembly to Wrap-up the 35th Edition of the Festival


Taking place on 16-18 October at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, the European Heritage Days Assembly 2019 will gather national coordinators and guests to share insights, present local best practices and success stories, and build foundations for the next year.

As the majority of Europe celebrated Arts and Entertainment during 2019, the festival has seen many creative approaches and innovative event ideas that showcased the European cultural heritage in the most glorious way. The joint effort of the National Coordinators, heritage groups and dedicated individuals and volunteers have resulted in one of the greatest heritage celebrations so far. Highlighting the mission of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, the heritage of Arts and Entertainment served as a reminder of Europe’s cultural and historic treasures.

The Assembly will provide the opportunity for organisers to meet and share insights into this year’s festival. They would be encouraged to present their experiences and to review progress made this year to draw inspiration for future editions.

The projects European Heritage Makers Week and European Heritage Stories will have a central spot on this year's Assembly. Reviews of projects and takeaways on the progress made during the projects' second year will be presented during the sessions. As in previous year, the official ceremony of presenting grant certificates for the winners of the European Heritage Stories will be organised as part of the Assembly.


Heritage Education and Cross-Frontier Initiatives in Focus

The Assembly will announce the common pan-European theme for 2020 – Heritage and Education. In addition to 101 Event Ideas, the programme will highlight important initiatives and projects related to the theme. Representatives from various heritage and education field from different countries, will present their project evaluations at a session dedicated to the theme. A special session at the Assembly will be dedicated to cross-frontier grant initiatives. In line with the common European values, several initiatives from different cross-frontier collaborations will highlight the themes of inclusion, international collaboration and women’s legacy.


European Heritage Days Stories Awards Ceremony

The second edition of European Heritage Stories will be celebrated at the Assembly. On October 17, the ten projects will be awarded certificates of participation and a €10,000 grant. The ceremony will mark the beginning of projects development. Each awarded story supported with funding will allow further development of the communities involved and raise awareness of local and European heritage. Read all of the stories on the EHS page.


European Heritage Makers exhibition

During the EHD Assembly attendees will have the pleasure to enjoy a special exhibition. The exhibition is a presentation of 10 selected works that were awarded in this year's edition of the European Heritage Makers Week. All of the works can be seen on the EHMW page.

European Heritage Days Assembly will mark the end of another successful season of heritage celebrations. Heritage representatives, groups and institutions from different countries will gain valuable knowledge and inspiration during educational sessions and workshops for the next edition of the most widely celebrated cultural festival in Europe.

Strasbourg, France 16-18 October 2019
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