As a part of the co-operation framework co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, known as the Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey (Horizontal Facility), the Council of Europe has implemented, as one of the Actions in Serbia, the Action Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons - Phase II, in close partnership with the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, NPM/Ombudsperson Office, Office for Human and Minority Rights and Serbian European Integration Office. The Action was also including a wide spectrum of other national stakeholders, as well as civil society organizations active in the field of protection and promotion of human rights.

The Action focused on the safeguards against ill-treatment of arrested and detained persons, the human rights protection of prisoners through improved policy and reintegration measures, as well as human rights protection of persons with mental disabilities detained in psychiatric or social care institutions.

The key Conventions for this Action were the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), as well as the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). These commitments are part of the Serbia's EU accession negotiations and accomplishment of goals defined in strategic documents and in particular Chapters 23 and 24.

The Action, which started on 24 May 2019 and was completed on 31 December 2022, had an overall budget of 900,000 euros.


Back Designing a strategic approach towards enforcement of criminal sanctions and protection of persons deprived of liberty in Serbia

@ Council of Europe

@ Council of Europe

On 27 November 2020, with the support of Council of Europe a Working Group of the Ministry of Justice and Prison Administration begun its work on the development of the new Strategy for Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions.

During the meeting, members of the Working Group discussed inter alia the successfulness of the expiring 2013- 2020 Strategy for Further Development of the System of Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions, as well as the timeframe, and priorities of the new strategic document. As a result of the meeting five strategic priorities were defined and a 6-year time frame of the of the future strategy was set.

This activity was organised by the EU and Council of Europe Joint Project “Enhancing Human Rights Protection for Detained and Sentenced Persons in Serbia”, Phase II (Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II), which is designed to support the Serbian authorities in ensuring the implementation of the key European standards and assists further progress in the European integration process.

Serbia 30 November 2020
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