As part of the co-operation framework co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, known as the Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey, phase II (Horizontal Facility II), the Council of Europe implemented the Action “Enhancing the capacities of the penitentiary system and the External Oversight Mechanism in North Macedonia”, in close cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Justice (Directorate for Execution of Sanctions), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Ombudsman’s Office. The Action also involved a wide group of other national stakeholders, including prominent civil society organisations active in the area of protection and promotion of human rights.

The main aim of the Action was to contribute to a safer and more humane society that respects and protects the rights of detained and sentenced persons in line with the Council of Europe standards in the area of penitentiary and law enforcement.

The key Conventions for this Action were the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), as well as the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

The duration of the project was set at 36 months and it was completed by 31 December 2022, with an overall budget of 1,050,000 Euros.


Back Round Table on further improving the efficiency of the External Oversight Mechanism in North Macedonia

@ Council of Europe

@ Council of Europe

Representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Ombudsman office and senior officials of the Ministry of Interior in charge of internal control over the police met on 2 November 2022 in Skopje, to discuss their cooperation and how to increase the efficiency of the External Oversight Mechanism (EOM). The roundtable followed the recent changes of the senior management at the Department for Internal Control and Professional Standards at the Ministry of Interior, as well as changes in staff in the Public Prosecutor’s Office Department for investigation and prosecution of crimes committed by persons with police powers and members of the prison police.


The increased number of reports on alleged incidents this year points to a higher confidence into the EOM, but also raises the pressure to the limited personnel capacity at both institutions. This roundtable was focused on the current performance of the EOM, exchange of information and flow of cases, as well as the potential avenues for improvement. The stakeholders, including the Ombudsman’s EOM Unit, agreed to set a practice of monthly meetings, which will help them review cases on regular basis, identify practical gaps and increase their efficiency in conducting investigations into ill-treatment allegations.


All stakeholders appreciated the support of the Council of Europe, which has facilitated the process of establishment and functioning of this mechanism since 2016. The latest Ombudsman annual report and the North Macedonia country report issued by the European Commission note that while the EOM is being established, it still lacks representatives from the civil society organizations, which should be appointed by the Parliament.


This activity was organised under the action on “Enhancing the capacities of the penitentiary system and the External Oversight Mechanism in North Macedonia”, which is a part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022".

North Macedonia 04 November 2022
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