About the project

In recent years, the Republic of Moldova has undertaken significant legislative reforms aimed at enhancing the protection of human rights and improving the functioning of its public institutions. The 2023 amendments to the Law on the Ombudsperson have introduced important changes to the structure and mandate of the Ombudsperson's Office, underlining the need for it to adapt to the evolving legal framework.

The Council of Europe Project "Support to the Office of the Ombudsperson in the Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova" aims to address these needs and assist the Ombudsperson's Office in aligning with the new legal context, while strengthening its role as a defender of human rights.

The project is consistent with the Republic of Moldova’s national priorities, as outlined in its National Human Rights Action Plan , Strategic Development Programme of the Ombudsperson Institution for 2023-2030 and other strategic documents. It seeks to support the effective implementation of these priorities by enhancing the Ombudsperson's Office's capacities to address human rights violations and contribute to the protection and promotion of human rights within the country.

The project is funded and implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2021-2024, reinforcing the Organisation’s commitment to assisting member states in achieving European standards and best practices.

Project duration: 24 months (1 April 2024 – 31 March 2026)

 What do we aim to achieve?

 Who are our national partners?

  • The Ombudsperson’s Office;
  • Ministry of Justice and the Government Agent’s Office;
  • The Equality Council of the Republic of Moldova.

 Who benefits from the project?

The staff of the Ombudsperson’s Office, of the Government Agent’s Office of the Ministry of Justice, and the Equality Council of the Republic of Moldova.

The end beneficiaries are the citizens and the entire population of the Republic of Moldova, including vulnerable groups and individuals seeking redress and protection of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Project team:

Senior Project Officer
[email protected]


Alexandra Anamaria CAZACU
Project Assistant
[email protected]