What is the project?

The project objective is to contribute towards improving the state response to violence against children in the Republic of Moldova.

It supports strengthening the country’s child protection framework and judicial system with focus on the protection of children against sexual violence, promotion of child-friendly justice practices and the rights of the child in the digital environment. It is a direct follow-up to the project Protecting children from  sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in the Republic of Moldova (2018-2020) and builds on the experience and findings revealed during this Phase I.

The project is implemented by the Children’s Rights Division in cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau.

 What is the legal context?

The Republic of Moldova ratified the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (Lanzarote Convention) in 2011. The Committee of the Parties to the Convention, also known as the Lanzarote Committee, is charged with monitoring the implementation of the Convention. The Republic of Moldova participated in the 1st monitoring round dedicated to the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in the circle of trust (2014-2017) and in the 2nd one on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (2017).

Other important standards taken into consideration during the project implementation include the Council of Europe Guidelines on child-friendly justice (2010) and the Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment. 

The project itself promotes the implementation of these international standards and builds on the progress and work already carried out at national level. Relevant national standards and policies include the Law no. 338 of 15.12.1994 on the rights of the child, Decision No. 434 of 10.06.2014 on the approval of the Child Protection Strategy for the years 2014-2020,  Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2017-2020, as well as the conclusions and recommendations of the Roundtable “Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse: Challenges and Best Practices”.

 What do we aim to achieve?


Back Workshop on safe sport for children

Workshop on safe sport for children

In the period of 21-22 September 2021, the NGO Association for the Empowerment of Children and Families “AVE Copii” under the grant agreement with the Council of Europe project Combating violence against children in the Republic of Moldova is organising the workshop on Safe sport for children. The activity is organised in cooperation with the National Olympic and Sports Committee for 25 sports managers and directors of sports schools in the country.

The workshop aims to develop the skills of sports federation managers on child protection and to raise awareness among participants about the issue of violence against children in sport, in particular the sexual exploitation of children and abuse in sport. A cross-cutting objective of this workshop is to identify a group of 5-6 potential opinion formers among sports managers, who will subsequently be involved in awareness-raising activities with sports coaches and sports teachers.

”An important aspect of violence against children, especially of sexual abuse in sport, is that children in most of cases do not talk about it. Fear, shame and guilt are paralysing their feelings. Love for the sport they practise, peer pressure, taboos around sexuality and admiration for their coach, trap children in a very painful silence. If nothing is done about it, abusers can keep preying on children for years, sometimes resulting in hundreds of victims”, stressed William Massolin, the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau.

"Today we need to think about opportunities for the young generation, which is our future. Sport offers such opportunities, and we must ensure that we provide a safe environment for children. The National Olympic and Sports Committee will continue to promote child protection and support members, including by developing an internal framework of policies and procedures aimed at ensuring the safety of children in sport”, mentioned Nicolae Juravschi, the President of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of the Republic of Moldova.

"The mission of the AO "AVE Copii", already for 29 years, is to offer adequate protection to all children. Sport means development for children, and the lack of the safe environment - without violence, diminishes its impact on children and young people. In this context, in the spring of this year, a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Olympic and Sports Committee was signed by our organisation to promote the rights of children to practice sports safely and without violence of any kind", underlined Mariana Ianachevici, Chief Executive Officer, AO “AVE Copiii”.

The event contributes towards achieving the Project’s immediate outcome 1 “Increased awareness on child sexual exploitation and abuse, and the rights of the child in the digital environment”.

chisinau 22 September 2021
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 Who we work with?

Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Ministry of Justice, Public Prosecution Service, National Institute of Justice, Police Academy, Supreme Court of Justice, Lawyers Union, Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights, State Chancellery, NGOs, acclaimed experts in the field.

 Who benefits from the project?

The project targets judges, prosecutors, lawyers, law enforcement professionals, social workers, doctors, teachers, educators, parents. It ultimately benefits children at risk of violence and child victims and witnesses of violence.

 Useful links

Contact us
Project contacts

Angelica Russu

Senior Project Officer,

Council of Europe Office in Chisinau



Lelic Cristina

Project Assistant,

Council of Europe Office in Chisinau



Ovidiu Majina

Project Coordinator,

Children’s Rights Division

DG II - Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality, Strasbourg


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