Support to the implementation of the judicial reform in Armenia
Project title: Support to the implementation of the judicial reform in Armenia
Start date: May 2017
Duration: 19 months (to 31 December 2018)
Donors: Council of Europe, the European Union, and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Partners: Ministry of Justice, National Assembly, judicial institutions, Chamber of Advocates, Self-governing Organisation of Mediators of Armenia, Association of Arbitrators of Armenia, civil society organisations
Contact Person: Ms Lilit Daneghian-Bossler, Head of Justice Sector Reform Unit 1
Text available in Armenian
The Project aimed at promoting judicial independence, the effectiveness of legal proceedings and access to justice by providing legal drafting support to the post constitution reform processes in the fields of judiciary and disciplinary frameworks, as well as enhancing the application of mediation and arbitration in Armenia in accordance with Council of Europe standards and recommendations.
As a result of the Project’s implementation the following outputs were achieved:
Achievements under output 1
- Council of Europe (CoE) standards, the recommendations of its monitoring and standard-setting bodies (such as the Venice Commission, CCJE, CDCJ) and the best practices of Council of Europe member states are reflected in the new Judicial Code and other legal acts related to the functioning of the Armenian judicial system.
Achievements under output 2
- The system of disciplinary accountability of judges in Armenia and the functioning of the judicial self-governing bodies meet the requirements of the standards and recommendations of the Council of Europe.
Achievements under output 3
- The capacities and governing mechanisms of the self-governing body of mediators of Armenia is enhanced by developing and promoting the internal regulatory mechanisms (rules of ethics, professional trainings) and the capacities of the self-governing organisation of mediators of Armenia are developed and promoted.
- The practical application of the court annexed mediation in the first instance courts of general jurisdiction of Marzes and Yerevan is promoted.
- The application of the arbitration in Armenia is improved. The qualifications of arbitrators are strengthened by means of unification of arbitrators through the establishment of a self-governing organisation of arbitrators, developing trainings for arbitrators and applying unified rules of ethics.
Achievements under output 4
- The institutional and internal capacities of the Chamber of Advocates are raised to adequately address any instances of possible persecution, improper restrictions and infringements of the rights of the members of the Chamber.
- The knowledge of court users about the functioning of the judicial system, about their legal rights and obligations, the rights and duties of judges, advocates, prosecutors and others engaged in the case in selected areas of Armenia is enhanced.