SUPPORT TO INCREASED EFFICIENCY OF COURTS, IMPROVED TRAINING OF JUDGES AND JUDICIAL SELF-GOVERNANCE IN AZERBAIJANThis  joint European Union and Council of Europe project aimed to support the authorities of Azerbaijan in improving the efficiency and quality of judicial services as well as the quality of judicial training in compliance with European standards and good practices. It also supported the Judicial Legal Council in the consolidation of its role as a high judicial body in conformity with the standards of the Council of Europe.

For a period of 36 months, ending in December 2017, the project worked closely with the Ministry of Justice, the Justice Academy, the Judicial Legal Council, the Judge’s Selection Committee and five pilot courts for the alignment of capacity and practices to European standards. 

The project “Support to increased efficiency of courts, improved training of judges and judicial self-governance in Azerbaijan” is part of Theme II “Ensuring Justice” of the new Council of Europe / European Union Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) 2015-2017. It is pursued in close co-operation and co-ordination with the European Union Delegation in Azerbaijan and builds on the results and recommendations from the previous regional CoE/EU project « Enhancing Judicial Reform in Eastern Partnership Countries».
