Back The Council of Europe publishes a feasibility study of a legal instrument on the protection of the best interests of the child in domestic care proceedings

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The feasibility study of a legal instrument on the protection of the best interests of the child in domestic law proceedings by public authorities to limit parental responsibilities or place a child in care, which has been approved by the Bureaux of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF) and of the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) at their second joint meeting, is now publicly available. Together with the feasibility study on the protection of the best interest of the child in parental separations proceedings, this study will form the basis of the further work of the Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE).

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Strasbourg, France 19 July 2021
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