
Official texts

Policy documents




 Language support for adult refugees: a Council of Europe toolkit (2017)

 We can! Taking action against Hate Speech through Counter and Alternative Narratives (2017)

 All different – all Equal (2016). Education pack

 Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for Plurilingual and intercultural education (2016)

 The language dimension in all subjects - A handbook for curriculum development and teacher training (2016)

 Equal opportunities for all children: Non-discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) children and young people (2016)

 Education mobility, otherness. The mediation functions of schools (2015)

 Starting points for combating hate speech online (2015)

 Mirrors: Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education (2015)

 Bookmarks (2014)

 The linguistic integration of adult migrants: from one country to another, from one language to another (2014)

 Gender Matters. A manual on addressing gender-based violence affecting young people 2007 (reprint 2013)

 Specifying languages’ contribution to intercultural education. Lessons learned from the CEFR (2013)

 Global Education Guidelines. A Handbook for Educators to Understand and implement Global Education (reprint 2012)

 Guidelines for educators on combating intolerance and discrimination against Muslims (2011)

 Education for the prevention of discrimination, 2011/2012 (DISC)

 Report of the Intergovernmental Policy Forum: The right of learners to quality and equity in education – the role of language and intercultural skills (2010)

 Speaking across borders: the role of higher education in furthering intercultural dialogue (Council of Europe higher education series No. 16) (2010)

 Improving recognition in the European Higher Education Area: an analysis of national action plans (Council of Europe higher education series No. 12) (2010)

 Developing attitudes to recognition: substantial differences in an age of globalisation (Council of Europe higher education series No. 13) (2010)

 Report of the Intergovernmental Policy Forum: The right of learners to quality and equity in education – the role of language and intercultural skills (2010)

 Plurilingual and intercultural education as a right (2009)

 Plurilingual and intercultural education as a project (2009)

 Plurilingual and intercultural competence (2009)

 Multicultural Societies, Pluricultural People and the Project of Intercultural Education (2009)

 Intercultural dialogue on Campus (Council of Europe higher education series No. 11) (2009)

 How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences (2009)

 White paper on Intercultural dialogue “Living together as equals in dignity” (2008)

 New challenges in recognition (Council of Europe higher education series No. 10) (2008)

 From linguistic diversity to Plurilingual education: Guide for the development of language education policies in Europe (2007)

 Standards for recognition: the Lisbon Recognition Convention and its subsidiary texts (Council of Europe higher education series No. 3) (2006)

 Recognition in the Bologna Process: policy development and the road to good practice (Council of Europe higher education series No. 4) (2006)

 Domino - A manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and intolerance, 3rd edition (2005)

 The changing face of Europe - population flows in the 20th century (2002)


Documentaries on the Project "European Qualifications Passport for Refugees" Video (2017)



"European Qualifications Passport for Refugees - Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe"


We all deserve dignity


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