Back T-PVS Bureau meeting (2)




Agenda Item 1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda


Agenda Item 2 - Financing and Strategic Development of the Bern Convention

Agenda Item 2.1 - Inter-Sessional Working Group on Finances: state of play

  • Report of 5th meeting held on 7 February - T-PVS(2022)01
  • Proposal for Article 14 bis amending the Bern Convention and its draft Annex - T-PVS(2022)02
  • Concept note on the creation of a Fund for the Bern Convention - GR-C(2022)10


Agenda Item 2.2 - Voluntary contributions received in 2022: state of play

  • Table of the voluntary contributions received - T-PVS/Inf(2022)13 updated 13 September


Agenda Item 2.4 - Working Group on a Vision and Strategic Plan for the Bern Convention for the period to 2030: state of play

  • Report of 5th meeting of 3 June- T-PVS(2022)10
  • 8th draft of the Strategic Plan


Agenda Item 2.5 - Rules of procedure and case-file reflection: state of play

  • Proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Standing Committee - T-PVS/Inf(2022)29
  • Explanatory table of proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Standing Committee - T-PVS/Inf(2022)30
  • Case-file reflection - Draft summary of general procedures for the processing of complaints - T-PVS/Inf(2022)27


Agenda Item 3 - Implementation of the Programme of activities and budget for 2022


Agenda Item 3.1 - European Diploma for Protected Areas


Agenda Item 3.2 - Conservation of birds: state of play (4th joint MIKT meeting, IKB Scoreboard and Rome Strategic Plan, 7th meeting of the Group of Experts on the conservation of birds)

  • Meeting report of 4th joint IKB/MIKT meeting - T-PVS(2022)11
  • Instructions for additional narrative text to support Scoreboard submissions - T-PVS/Inf(2022)21rev
  • Draft Legislative Guidance relating to the illegal killing, taking and trade of wild birds - T-PVS/Inf(2022)18rev2  updated 7 September
  • Draft Model law provisions on illegal killing, taking, and trade of wild birds (IKB) - T-PVS/Inf(2022)19rev2  updated 7 September
  • Draft Methodology, guidance and common format for research into the motivations behind IKB - T-PVS/Inf(2022)20rev
  • Draft Guidance for the Development and Implementation of National Action Plans Against IKB - T-PVS/Inf(2022)23
  • Meeting report of 7th meeting of the GoE - T-PVS(2022)12
  • Action Plan for River birds in the five-country Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube” - T-PVS/Inf(2022)31


Agenda Item 3.3. - Invasive Alien Species: state of play (texts on Communication and IAS, Study on Alien Pathogens, Climate Change and non-native trees)

  • Guidance on communication and IAS - T-PVS/Inf(2022)35
  • Draft Recommendation on communication and IAS - T-PVS(2022)15
  • Report on alien pathogens and pathogens spread by IAS - T-PVS/Inf(2022)40
  • Draft Recommendation on alien pathogens and pathogens spread by IAS - T-PVS(2022)16  uploaded 7 September
  • Analysis of replies to questionnaire on non-EU Contracting Parties legislation on wildlife pathogens - T-PVS/Inf(2022)41
  • Position paper on Invasive Alien Tree Species and Climate Change - T-PVS/Inf(2022)39
  • Draft Recommendation on Invasive Alien Tree Species and Climate Change - T-PVS(2022)17


Agenda Item 3.4. - Amphibians and reptiles: marine turtles conservation

  • Report of second meeting of the ad hoc working group for conservation of marine turtles - T-PVS(2022)14  uploaded 7 September
  • Draft Guideline - marine turtles initiative - T-PVS/Inf(2022)42


Agenda Item 3.5. - Setting-up of the Emerald Network: state of play and work plan for 2022

a.    Group of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks, 15th June 2022

  • Meeting report of the Group of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks - T-PVS/PA(2022)07

b.    Biogeographical evaluation of the list of Emerald Network sites designated by Iceland

c.    Biogeographical evaluation of the list of Emerald Network sites designated by Liechtenstein


Agenda Item 3.6. - Reporting under Resolution No. 8 (2012) on conservation status of species and habitats


Agenda Item 3.7. - Pan-European Action Plan for the conservation of the Sturgeon: state of play


Agenda Item 3.8. - Action Plan for the eradication of the Ruddy Duck in Europe: state of play


Agenda Item 3.9 - Biodiversity and Climate Change: state of play

  • Meeting report of the GoE on Biodiversity and Climate Change - T-PVS(2022)13
  • Draft revised Terms of Reference of the Group of Experts on Biodiversity and Climate Change - T-PVS(2022)09


Agenda Item 3.10 - Conservation of large carnivores


Agenda Item 4 - 42nd Standing Committee meeting

  • Draft agenda - T-PVS/Agenda(2022)20
  • Programme of Activities and budget for 2023 - T-PVS(2022)19
  • Paper on pros and cons of biennial StC meeting - T-PVS/Inf(2022)44


Agenda Item 6 - Monitoring of the implementation of the legal aspects of the Convention

Agenda Item 6.2 - Amendment proposal by Switzerland: Downlisting of the wolf (canis lupus) to Appendix III of the Convention

  • Pan-European assessment of the conservation status of the wolf - T-PVS/Inf(2022)45  uploaded 7 September


Agenda Item 7 - Implementation of the Convention: Case-Files


Agenda Item 7.1 - Open files

  • 1995/6: Cyprus: Akamas peninsula
  • 2004/2: Bulgaria: Wind farms in Balchik and Kaliakra –Via Pontica
  • 2012/09: Türkiye: Presumed degradation of nesting beaches in Fethiye and Patara SPAs
  • 2013/01: North Macedonia: Hydro power development within the territory of Mavrovo National Park: on-the-spot appraisal
  • 2017/2: North Macedonia: Alleged negative impacts to Lake Ohrid and Galichica National Park candidate Emerald Sites due to infrastructure developments: on-the-spot appraisal
  • 2016/5: Albania: Presumed negative impact of hydro-power plant development on the Vjosa river: on-the-spot appraisal


Agenda Item 7.2 - Possible files

  • 2001/4: Bulgaria: Motorway through the Kresna Gorge
  • 2019/05: Türkiye: Habitat destruction in Mersin Anamur Beach
  • 2020/09: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Possible negative impact of hydro-power plant development on the Neretva river: on-the-spot appraisal


Agenda Item 7.3 - Complaints on stand-by

  • 2016/06: Serbia: Presumed risk of national extinction of Great Bustards
  • 2017/6: Iceland: Possible negative impact on Breiðafjörður Nature Reserve’s authentic birch woods from new road infrastructure: on-the-spot appraisal
    • Terms of Reference of the OSA - T-PVS/Files(2021)02rev
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
  • 2018/1: Ukraine: Presumed threat to Emerald site “Polonina Borzhava” (UA0000263) from wind energy development
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
  • 2018/05: Ukraine: Alleged threats to the Emerald Network sites Skhidnyi Svydovets, Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory and Carpathian biosphere Reserve
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
  • 2020/01: Ukraine: Recognising Horbachykha as a protected area to save it from residential developments
    • Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
    • Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)XX
  • 2020/02: Ukraine: Logging threats to the Black Tysa River in Emerald Network site "Marmaroski ta Chyvchyno-Hryniavski Hory" (UA0000117)
  • 2021/01: Türkiye: Alleged threats to marine turtles due to a new coal-fired power plant at Sugözü Beach
  • 2021/2: Norway: Alleged threat to birds and protected sites due to the proposed construction of windfarms


Agenda Item 7.4 - Other Complaints 

  • 2021/04: Ukraine: Threats to wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats in Irpin river valley Emerald Network site from constructions


Agenda Item 7.5 - New Complaints 

  • 2021/09: Ukraine: Possible negative impact on the Luhansk region from hydraulic gas drilling activities
  • 2022/01: Serbia: Alleged habitat destruction in the area of Novi Sad due to proposed infrastructure constructions


Agenda Item 7.6 - Follow-up of previous recommendations and case-files

  • Closed file No. 2011/4: Threat to the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in Türkiye



Strasbourg 15-16 September 2022
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